As a sub rookie, I bought my first V6 sub no date last year. At that time, I was satisfied with the quality and wore it often. With a great opportunity, I’ve compared with gen hulk, I’ve found out most parts of this rep are good, but there are still many defects which can get some better works. The most obvious one I noticed is the color of numbers on the ceramic insert. The index digital color on gen is metal luster, but rep is too dark, moreover, the rep’s index digital’s surface is very rough compared to gen. Another tell is that the sharp edge on rep index, the edge on gen is chamfered and it looks very stereoscopic. So I was thinking about the way to get these better, after researching, I’ve found some experts who is able to mod index by liquid painting, but the edge is still too sharp not round. Last December, a bright idea occurred in my mind, why not try to do a REAL WORK which is plating platinum on the insert? Then here is my result.....
I collect some noob v7 inserts to test my idea. The plating material is 99.99% platinum and it would be coated on top of my inserts. After a few experiments, I got the best result. Some photos are taken to present as followings. As you can see, here are gen, my work and without modded insert (stock) under different light condition for comparison.
Gen Hulk say hi to everybody.
Comparison between gen, modded and V7 insert under sunlight
Modded insert on the top.
Gen / my modded insert / V7 stock insert.
Comparing to these 3 inserts, the index color on stock V7 insert is more grayish and it is a known issue that it is getting darker after several weeks usage. My work - platinum plated one is closed to gen (see the mark "50" and "20").
Since I don't have rep hulk, I put this green insert onto my sub no date, this index works for me except the dark green color lol......
Comparison under different light condition
These photos were taken under different light condition, the color is closed to gen after my platinum modification.
Under fluorescent light:
Under yellow light:
Both of color on the insert scale are closed to each other whichever different light was applied.
Marco view after mod
Before plating, the surface inside the groove is rough (more grain can be observed, please see the V7 stock). The platinum coated index looks much more smoothly and might even more better than gen? Will double confirm that.
Edge smoothing mod
During the mod process, I realized that the Noob ceramic is able to be machined, so some abrasive was applied to chamfer the edge. The smoothing test was tested on my rep GMT master II inserts and the result is brilliant. (the index color on this smoothed insert is incorrect, please ignore it.)