Replica dials are make of plastic and painted in a way that matches what they perceive the genuine dial to look like and there is variation among batches. Genuine dials are the original thing, they set the standard. From sunburst to finish to white gold markers and hands, just the having a dial that’s similar to the genuine doesn’t mean much. Any watch is a sum of its parts meaning the other parts affect the overall look of it irregardless of the dial. Genuine Dials also have variations so basically if there is a color the replica factory got right it will probably match a color the AP has also made sometime in the past, but approximately, so don’t get caught up too much on if the dial is close to the gen. It’s a replica and they’re totally different things ffs.
all that to say the dial doesn’t matter as much as people think it does. Putting a genuine dial in the watch isn’t going to solve anything from a genuine looking perspective except show the wearer how bad the replica hands quality is lol.