What? This one is the gray one?
Please kill me
Different factory. Not VSF.
What? This one is the gray one?
Please kill me
I seeDifferent factory. Not VSF.
I see
Do you know if VSF had in production the gray one?
The 8500 clone is a bit different cosmetically from the 8800, but not excessively and it would look much more gen-like than any ETA. Honestly the main noticeable difference would be the huge rotor bearings of the 8800 which resemble those of the ETA 2892.
Also the jump hour hand function is freaking awesome, the rep would be even better than gen!
I see
Do you know if VSF had in production the gray one?
Conflicting stories unfortunately - seeing some reports that they have a limited grey run coming up, others saying that’s not the case.
So... *shrug*
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