Sorry....? 30 per month!!??? I guess you meant 3....?QC pics send by Puretime. Best service to me, i buy like 30 watches/mounth. But this iwc is first time, i dont see the watch in my hands yet, i think my dial stay a little high, its easy to fix.
QC pics send by Puretime. Best service to me, i buy like 30 watches/mounth. But this iwc is first time, i dont see the watch in my hands yet, i think my dial stay a little high, its easy to fix.
Is it soft Jon? Does it make that queeky sound when you twist it? You know, like what the plasticy rep straps do.
QC are frustrating.
I already refuse 4 watches due to dial numbers alignment
I am almost give up with this watch before it even arrived
Keep doing that and you'll just annoy the TD.
Crooked numbers on 400$ rep is a No-Go.
Swapped the Ardoise for this one for the afternoon [emoji41]
What strap is that you have on there aligborat? Orloff? I am still really doubting which color case and numerals, but want to order the strap together with the watch. I think the white dial with gold numbers is the most classic one, what do you guys think? I like the gold and ardoise but I am to young for that haha! 28
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I think this Rose Gold white face is my face right now, hard to choose between this and Ardoise face.
Yes Orloff strap, here is a photo he took before sending it to me:
And when I mounted it:
Imo, if you want something a biet casual and not too "heavy" then probably the white dial with blue numbers. Then, get a black gator pair of straps and then you're all set