Unless that’s you hahahah
wow i saw the pic, it really looks like mine. Could it be they given the same piece to both of us and see who pick up the bait haha.
Personally I’ve seen RLed pieces popping out elsewhere for another’s QC hahah and really I think it’s possible. Any retail would want to clear these stocks
You are welcome
nope did not know the Skyfall one was that expensive these days, I brought it after the film come out as it looked good from the film, might have to put it back in the box , I like the look of the NTTD one with the cracked face, can't understand why the Spectre ones seem dearer as its the same model? also the Special Edition one looks to be the same model ?
Well I received some QC pics from Lucy, To my eye it looks ok apart from the different tint on the hands compared to the numeral dials, But I don't know if the light she's using on the picture is effecting it quite a bit, What do you guys think?
Mine looks like this too. Is the pip slightly off left?? Mine is like that as well. This batch is abit different.
Lume on the hands for most of the new VSF batch are generally off. Honestly with the quality of VSF V4s being sold here, you're probably better off getting an ORF, which has the updated bracelet to boot.
If this is so, then the TD's are charging us premiums for defected/rejected VSF's?
Do they still entitled to be TD's
Yes i'd say so but it nothing as bad as some of the others ive seen, I emailed her back with some questions no response as yet but apparently she said she will catch up with emails this weekend.
Probably a gimmick to make collectors want them all. It never ceases to amaze me how some collectibles skyrocket in value. it's like those limited edition Lego sets, trading cards and merchandise associated with franchises like Star Wars. Some of that stuff is crazy expensive and people who know the market may live just of trading merchandise.
If you dont mind me asking how does that work if you RL something can you ask to switch models? Just awaiting some more picture's from her.
Yeah you can. It's been done before for sure. If you keep RLing something sometimes the TD will recommend another factory. Just sucks that the VSF NTTDs have been so off compared to the pre-raid batch.
That's right ... wait after the Chinese New Year to see how it evolves ... right? They seem to be afraid of losing who knows what ....The problem in my understanding is buyers willing to take crappy quality stuff for a premium price like their lives depended on it.