Although no mesh-expert by any means, to me the gen bracelet looks quite a few notches up from the rep that VSF now includes.
It will all depend on how costly it is to produce a titanium rep bracelet.
Surely they must have considered a titanium bracelet when setting up production of this watch to begin with.
But somehow they decided that this was not an option, most likely because of cost issues.
Considering how close to gen the watch itself is, the bracelet on offer now is a very sorry replica.
It would be great to see it replaced by a proper rep, but I'm not holding my breath.
Btw, is this watch available without the bracelet, just the nato?
I actually disagree with the comment on the SS bracelet, the V3 is very good, excellent finish, looks gen it just weighs more. It’s missing one fine detail (a solid tip to the end of the adjustment side of the strap) but otherwise very close
Edit: actually I also remembered the end links are different on the inside but that's not an external feature.
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