Yeah i hope they hit the Blue Dial.
I watched the video from Puretime and it seems ARF fixed the Crystal height.
The Noob pearl is weak. The insert and colour is good.
I keep forgetting the Arf 126660 black dial. I hope, if/when, they come out with blue/black's soon! I've just gone through two 116660 Arf and Noob, and not happy with mainly either dials "darkish blue" and it's not "just in a room," "or gen is kinda dark also thing," as some say. The 116660 Noob, and to a lesser extent Arf, were both too "darkish blue" in daylight as well. I've seen gen, and gen is much more obvious "pop blue." But, I've beat that dead horse opinion enough. Anyway, from the QC picts of the Noob 126660 posted, the dial "appears" to look way better. But, I'm holding off until a member get's one actually in hand, take some picts, and gives their opinion. I can tolerate the SEL thing as long as it's not any worse then what those QC picts are. I'm surprised on their insert pearl, you are right, not good on that issue. But, I figure an easy change, if I can find a decent one on eBay. I have a A2836 and and a "high beat" BP factory 126660 that people don't know much about, both not bad actually. I "think" only the cartel have them...not sure though. I have the BP A2836 into Katt for movement servicing as it came with a cannon pinion problem, from I won't mention which cartel but not TT! Lol Their high beat 126660 DG2813 (actually a Shangai 2824 @28800bpm) is actually working fine though...go figure! It does have the same pearl problem, but rehaut lettering, etc is corrected from 116660. I'm probably just going to hold onto the serviced BP when I get it back, as I don't see spending more for Noob at this point, as they are close.