Rf factory is a fake vsf factory, they use the same serial number and clasp code. A lot of the 126xxx watches shipped recently labeled as vsf were from rf factory. On trusty picturs he mixed the 116610LN and the 126619, hence why the midlinks are polished.
Rf factory is a fake vsf factory, they use the same serial number and clasp code. A lot of the 126xxx watches shipped recently labeled as vsf were from rf factory. On trusty picturs he mixed the 116610LN and the 126619, hence why the midlinks are polished.
so faker of the faker
what about VVSF another faker?
Not a vsf faker they use H7Z as clasp code
3VV is the newest VSF 126610 clasp code, but haven't read any reviews about it yet. H7Z was the first and 1LQ was the updated and i think it was considered the better one.
If the bracelet is one of your most important criterias then your best option at the moment will be the Clean sub but that's the 116 sub.
The bracelet of this release, at least from the pics, looks very good imo. Nicely polished, no gaps and very good looking clasp but as you said nobody has held it in hands yet. So if you buy it please make a review, i'm curious for it
If I choose CF 116610 or 114060, will I regret it in the future?
RF scares me....
I did notice on the Trustytime website that this MIF 126610 rep was added on 23 June 21. So it's a recent release but hasn't just suddenly appeared in the last week. I'm still very interested though and will probably buy one.
I just confirmed that RF and MIF are not the same factory.
I’ve found this information in other topics.
I haven’t seen any review of the MIF, pictures looks interesting, but without any first hand experience I’m a bit concerned. Do you have any info about it?
Like you, I have no information about the MIF. Andrew at Trustytime must have sold at least one because the picture I requested of the clasp code was from some "QC pics". So someone has bought one, but who knows if they are on here to do a review ? I guess the only way for people to tear it to shreds is for me to buy one and post pics !