Yes myself included BECAUSE, as I mentioned in my private message to you, I needed one in time for my father’s 65th birthday, which is soon and would be over before the factories reopened.
You seem to think that you are special because you have 4 FAKE Rolexes. I hate to burst your bubble buddy but we are discussing replica watches and the noob Daytona was one of the most common replica watches sold. Get off your high horse and come back down to reality my friend. Stop acting like you are the resident expert on the replica watch industry.
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Lol I hate to burst YOUR bubble have multiple gen sport rolexes
I’m waiting for my AD to allocate me the watches I want but of course it’s not easy at the moment. And guess what? I LOVE my "FAKE" Rolex just as much. What's your point? I'm not the one DMing people making up stories to try and buy a - "FAKE" Rolex in your words.
I love both gens and reps - I wear my gens when it’s appropriate and I wear reps when I’m on vacation or if I’m waiting for an allocation of a watch I want. I think you’re butt hurt that I am not willing to sell you one.
My reality is pretty clear
but thanks for asking!
Goodluck on your search! Come up with a better story next time perhaps to get way you want.
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