will be placing order for the PF 5711 in SS and in RG as soon as you guys clear us to buy them, 2 for me.. I'll be updating the Godfathar Advice for Best Nautilus thread as soon as things are done and will refer to you guys.. Kudos for hard work. it paid off.. thank you so much for your efforts.
Here guys some quick pictures!
Once I’ve cleared everything with Spongebob I will update the thread with details on where and how to order this. My job here is done
Fantastico! :thumbup:di dove siete??
Colgo l’occasione di farti una domanda...questo 5711 blu che avete postato con il datario aggiornato è un PF senza altre mod?
si e un pf stock, cambiato solo il disco data. solo io sono in italia il resto eu e asia.
Barne ,
Since you have aquanaut (is it zf?) and pf nautilus, could you please measure DW window dimension , distance from border same to each other?
i will verysoon setup a website where you can all submit your quantity delivery method and everything needed
this should make the process easy. Thanks to everyone for the support.