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MR - 42mm PO


Renowned Member
I picked up a v5 PO from a different trusted dealer a few weeks ago, and mine definitely has a better postioned He valve. Also the crown on mine is not as domed as this one. Everything else like serial number, AR, etc is consistent.

I would ask MR to source another watch.


I'm Pretty Popular
But the He valve crown is too big on the reps. Small matter compared to its position on the case, IMHO.

The big (height) He valves have always been a given, that's not what we were discussing at all, whereas we were discussing it's position on the case.

The 12 marker issue may just be due to the camera angle.IMHO.

Agreed the crooked marker could just be angle, lighting, reflection etc but always worth another picture or two just to confirm, easier than waiting and hoping it's ok.

I'd be more interested in that small tail of brass that's hanging around on the retainer near the cloverleaf. If that thing breaks loose, it could mess things up.

See it now, good spot, that has to come off!


Known Member
Rule Britannia (UK)
Hi Guys,

I emailed M last night, hats off to him he replied back quickly this is the result:

"Hi M,

Sorry to keep emailing you, I have just noticed the 12 marker is crooked as well as the He valve in the wrong place,

Could I request another version please?"

"Hi Skimpybeardy,
This is the only version from the 5th maker.

If this is the best it gets im tempted to ask for QC's of a 45.5mm version as it was close decision between the two, do you think the 45 will be any better? - Again advice always appreciated.


Known Member
As far as I know, the 45.55mm (UPO) has the correct HE valve positioning but it has a terrible pearl at the 12 o clock. Its sitting way too low and the colour is greenish.. Not like the 5GPO which is whiter and sitting slightly higher.


Mythical Poster
this really annoys me - QC pics are for YOU - not for everyone to pick holes in


Renowned Member
this really annoys me - QC pics are for YOU - not for everyone to pick holes in

I agree. Do your own research fully before ordering from any of the dealers, then if you notice something you suspect to be 'not quite right' then stick a thread on and get some agreement.


Known Member
Rule Britannia (UK)
I agree. Do your own research fully before ordering from any of the dealers, then if you notice something you suspect to be 'not quite right' then stick a thread on and get some agreement.

Yeah thats fair. I can completely see your argument & in some ways agree with it - I could of put alot more effort in, rather than whacking some snaps up on a forum & asking the guys to check for me.

So a lesson for me is learnt.

However the other side of the fence would argue - why not?. If the guys are willing to help out a complete and utter Noob by going through a few pictures then fair play to them.

By posting these QC pictures from MR we have learnt that possibly the HE valve has been moved on all models going forward. I will be honest without me posting here I would of never picked up on that - Well I say never, I would of posted some chirpy pictures of me happy with my new PO rep . . . . Then I would of been gunned down with "yeah dude the HE is way off, also the . . and the is abit dodge. Personally I know which way I would rather find out.

Again I understand your frustraitions with guys like me littering the forum with QC's as they are too lazy to do their own vetting. More of an effort will come from this noob in future, peace :jc:

PS: MR's reply came back this morning & he was more than happy to find the source of the HE movement, as I was afraid of mugging him off - & Will get back to me tomorrow.


Renowned Member
Fair points skimpy. You are right when you state that it is better to pick up on these issues before it is sent out.

The other thing that we should consider is that your QC pics should be compared to the advertised pictured on the dealer website. If you hand over payment to a dealer based in advertised description and pictures then all the dealer has to do is provide a watch which matches that description.

My question would be......do the pictures on the MR site show the He valve to be 'better' positioned? If they do then you have every right to ask for another set of QC photos.

My issue with Trevors Watched was that the QC photos definitely did not match the description and pics shown on the advert. He was then happy to source a watch that did match the description.

Hope you get a satisfactory conclusion.


Renowned Member
....I agree skimpy.

You are well within your rights to ask for another watch. Also, the crown is better in the advert photos.


I'm Pretty Popular
IMHO, I don't see the issue with posting QC pics and asking a forum to dissect them. If the mods have an issue with it then that's another story. One major forum even has a QC dissection area where it's exact purpose is to do just that.

At the end of the day, I believe a breakdown of QC is beneficial to both the individual buyer and numerous future buyers and also allows previous buyers to observe how the watch is evolving since they bought it.

I'm sure many of the dealers quietly hate the whole QC process as it holds up the transaction while we nit pick, but there was a time when there was no such thing as QC at all and it was a complete lottery as to what you would receive in the post. Only by pushing and demanding QC have we reached the stage we are at now. I know it's important for buyers not to expect a rep to reach gen like levels of perfection, but at the same time it helps to expect a certain standard that we are used to.

I think sometime hopefully in the near future we will be on our way to seeing a rep of the new PO come out, wouldn't it be tragic if the first generation of the new PO went backwards on some of the features we have come to expect, i.e He position, Logos etc. None of us want to see that, I think the dealers know that even newbies are now fairly clued in on what to expect of a rep prior to purchase and that can only be a good thing for everyone.


I'm Pretty Popular
Here's a good example of how this mass QC analysis can go wrong...

Cheers Comc.

Yeah, HE is off from the website picture!

Your comparing a rep pic to yet another rep pic. Better and infinitely more helpful if you Googled some gen photos.

Some thoughts on QC...

To quote TB...

Originally Posted by ThinkBachs
Find something you're interested in.
Search the forum for reviews.
Google Image search large photos and compare to your QC pics.
Search the forum some more.
Buy watch or go to top and repeat.


IMO, this sums it up. You should read some more my friend. Good info can be had...





and here.


You should also make a study of the watch your buying from the info provided at the TD's website. If that is RM, feel free to ask him questions. However, DON'T allow other peoples opinions or observations to overtly influence those questions. You might be creating problems for yourself and others down the road. For example, "So and so said this was is effed up on my watch!!". If you don't know that, someone else might be effing you up!

In short, KNOW your stuff BEFORE you buy.


Known Member
Rule Britannia (UK)
Thanks G30, I agree, more effort on my behalf is needed - & will be shown in future orders.

The reason however for posting the above picture was to highlight the fact that the HE is off from the images supplied on MR's website to my QC photos - I know it will come with flaws & will not be perfect. However when a dealer is selling something that is not the same as he is advertising then is it not worth letting other people know?, as I don't know if this is normal practise.

Im this case it seems they are taking a step backwards with the PO, with HE position & I'm unlucky enough to be caught out, had it been a few months earlier I would have a better positioned HE valve & minimal flaws like the pearl etc that I could learn to change at a later date.

Currently I have caught QC pictures from MR & things have changed from the last crop, is this the new crop of PO??? (well MR will confirm this later today I guess) - If it is then im not sure I want one as my interest sparked from the reviews here of other members discussing older batches. A batch that has seemed to have ceased production.


Originally Posted by ThinkBachs
Find something you're interested in.
Search the forum for reviews.
Google Image search large photos and compare to your QC pics.
Search the forum some more.
Buy watch or go to top and repeat.

I agree with the above, I really do, however no amount of searching the forum and Google images would of prepared me for the factories suddenly changing the crop & hoping we didn't notice.......... I'm glad I posted the pictures up like a lazy noob, at-least a few of you are aware of the quality of the next batch.


Update, I have just had an email from MR:

"Swiss ETA and Asian ETA share the same casesets. Should be no difference with HE. The current ones are like the one that I sent you the pics.
Will get the dial changed. Will back to you again with pics."

So there we have it, it would seem this is the new crop - Like it or lump it.

Live with this HE placement?

Ask to replace the order with another watch, possibly IWC 3717 - and hope the PO improves and buy again in the future, or wait for a seller on RWI with an older "better" version?


this really annoys me - QC pics are for YOU - not for everyone to pick holes in

Ok, that is fair and I certainly wouldn't bash the dealer in any way just in spite of the photos. My gripe was with the factory changing the He position on this tread, titled "42MM" model.

So Sorry LP. Not so sorry factory. :spank:

But as the cake boss would say, (It was a complete disasta! But in the end it turned out ok. )

That's all. :) Peace out.


Legendary Member
skimpy, I don't care either way if you or anyone else posts the QC pics, I figure if the seller is confident enough to send them to a buyer then it should be good enough for all to see.

However the one in those pics is a no go for stated reasons, mainly the crooked 12 hour marker, with that in mind I wouldn't put to much worry in the He valve position unless its gonna make you nuts, cause no one will ever notice it or care except us and you LOL, but other then that I think the watch in the QC pics look pretty good except for that 12 hour marker.


skimpy, I don't care either way if you or anyone else posts the QC pics, I figure if the seller is confident enough to send them to a buyer then it should be good enough for all to see.

However the one in those pics is a no go for stated reasons, mainly the crooked 12 hour marker, with that in mind I wouldn't put to much worry in the He valve position unless its gonna make you nuts, cause no one will ever notice it or care except us and you LOL, but other then that I think the watch in the QC pics look pretty good except for that 12 hour marker.

Well said! ;)


Renowned Member
Your comparing a rep pic to yet another rep pic. Better and infinitely more helpful if you Googled some gen photos.

G30, I don't necessarily agree with you 100%.

We all know that reps have flaws, and we can learn about these flaws by reading some threads on here.

From that point we identify a trusted dealer to buy our chosen rep from, based on dealer reputation and, more importantly, the advertised timepiece shown on their website or a thread advert on the forum.

From that point, after we pay our money, the only obligation on the dealer is to supply a watch that matches their description and pictures, with flaws and all.

I would advise the OP if MR cannot provide a watch that matches his advertised timepiece to try another dealer who can. And ask MR to update his adverts with pictures of the watches he CAN supply.

P.s. Try Trevor........he came up with a 42mm PO which matched his advert.


Legendary Member
skimpy, I don't care either way if you or anyone else posts the QC pics, I figure if the seller is confident enough to send them to a buyer then it should be good enough for all to see.

However the one in those pics is a no go for stated reasons, mainly the crooked 12 hour marker, with that in mind I wouldn't put to much worry in the He valve position unless its gonna make you nuts, cause no one will ever notice it or care except us and you LOL, but other then that I think the watch in the QC pics look pretty good except for that 12 hour marker.

Well said! ;)


It sucks that the 5GPO has changed. But it is a reality that we need to remember. Get it when it's good.


Athletic Supporter
The Evergreen State
Robert's post comes to mind, the one wherein he cautioned that V1, V2, V-whatever is something that we should not get too dependent upon. These guys buy components and assemble watches. Some times they come together consistently, sometimes they don't.

I had a BCE was was neither V2 or V3. Maybe V2.5?


I'm Pretty Popular
G30, I don't necessarily agree with you 100%.

We all know that reps have flaws, and we can learn about these flaws by reading some threads on here.

From that point we identify a trusted dealer to buy our chosen rep from, based on dealer reputation and, more importantly, the advertised timepiece shown on their website or a thread advert on the forum.

From that point, after we pay our money, the only obligation on the dealer is to supply a watch that matches their description and pictures, with flaws and all.

I would advise the OP if MR cannot provide a watch that matches his advertised timepiece to try another dealer who can. And ask MR to update his adverts with pictures of the watches he CAN supply.

P.s. Try Trevor........he came up with a 42mm PO which matched his advert.

That whole process sounds good to me Comc. I can assure you that I am clear where QC is concerned. The 12 hour marker is a valid point. The difference in where the HE valve sits may (and I do mean MIGHT) be exclusive to where MR sources the watches. He has had unique problems; the print on the dials for his UPO, to name one example. This may very well mean skimpy should source the watch from another TD to find the v5 he desires, just as you suggested.

My point was, you would be comparing two flawed products. If you make your comparisons with the gen AND have studied the known differences, then it might be easier to ascertain which "flawed" product would be easier to live with. That "rep vs rep" thing struck me first, then I had to reread and look at the HE valve more closely. Then I surmised "that sucks" (I am a feckin' GENIUS). I was way off the mark. However, MR may not have any choice when it comes to the product in his advertised pics and what he actually receives. If he changes his pic, then receives more of the "original" v5, then he has to deal with more hassle. I'm fairly certain he doesn't particularly care given what he sells is a replica. If you asked MR, I know he would remind you of that fact.

So, in this case, the collective mind-trust has helped with a potential problem, but this QC stuff becomes a topic with each influx of noobs on this board. The included links will, without question, explain how and why QC should be handled in a certain way. I would defer to all of the people who made those posts and I would consider why they wrote them. Unfortunately, some people just don't want to try and learn this stuff and it ultimately becomes a waste of valuable time and resources. That and the fact that as the buyer, it's YOUR responsibility.

To quote tommy boy, just my .02 dollars.

Oh, one more thing...

That last link I provided is, I believe, Trailboss's reminder as to how QC pics should be used. For some reason the link doesn't seem to be working. Just noticed it. Good stuff there, hope it hasn't been removed.