- 30/3/08
- 43,745
- 18,495
- 113
1) Eligibility to sell: Rules for eligibility include the following:
A) You must be CERTIFIED https://forum.replica-watch.info/th...ified-supporter-patron-sign-up-info.10945607/ (This does not mean crazy but it helps too)
B) A member of RWI in good standing
C) Minimum of 25 (non-post whoring/subsequent) posts and 30 days of membership for non-subscribers ( for further clarification see also https://forum.replica-watch.info/threads/post-whoring.10347644/ ).
D) Breathing and have a pulse
E) Must be willing to help your buyer to resolve any "after" sales issues. (Immediately after the sale, within a reasonable amount of time.)
F) You must be the owner of the watch and in possession of the watch at the time of sale. No selling "for a friend", you will be held responsible for any sale in your name.
2) Registered non-Supporting members may list only one watch per sale/trade and only have three watch sales in a 30-day period and may not depict more than one watch in a sales/trade thread. Additionally, Non supporters may only list one watch at a time and must wait until the last sale is complete before listing the next sale
(only one working sale at a time )
Only one sales thread is to be created per item.
Supporting members are entitled to unlimited sales per 30-day period and the ability to list multiple watches per sale. Members are encouraged to limit multiple watches to five or fewer in one thread and to post new sales only after the current five items are completed. Watch parts (cases, crystals, etc) have no sales limit.
3) If a registered non-Supporter posts a watch and it is NUKED for any reason, or you withdraw the item, it counts against your 30 day sale/trade limit.
4) Photo requirements: every watch or part listed for sale MUST have at least one or more photos (not links to photos or thumbnails) with a clear in-focus shot of both the item for sale and a handwritten tag (not photoshopped/computer-generated/typed/iPhone etc) included. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS.
Tags must include the following...
Your User ID :
Today’s full date (including year):
Photos must be hosted and REMAIN AVAILABLE for a minimum of three months after the sale. Deleting or moving images from your clickpix, or any other picture service account that causes them to be unable to be viewed will constitute an infraction as well.
Also, see section 1 here https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...arch-30th-2016 concerning consecutive photos.
There are plenty of examples of how to do this on approved threads.
5) Pertinent information must be included about the watch for sale.
If a watch is received not as described you as a seller will be held liable. See Rule 10.
Also, see section 2 here https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...-other-members
Also, see @Q5 's tips on the most commonly made mistake https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...r-member-sales Post #3 in this thread.
Note that the more information you can provide, the faster your watch will sell and the more likely that you will draw potential customers to your sale.
6) Special considerations:
Proof of genuine ETA movement should be disclosed in one of the following ways:
A) tagged picture of movement with caseback removed or visible through caseback
B) have proof of watchmaker verification in the sale
If none of these conditions can be met, buyers will automatically assume it's a clone.
Modifications, repairs, servicing and reluming: if you have had these services done to the watch, you should include:
A) proof of the service via receipt
B) pics of the repairs or the modifications done
C) have proof of watchmaker verification in the sale
If you are selling a used watch for more than a member can buy it new, you need to give detailed reasons why.
7) High Value Sales: Sales watches/parts/accessories/items of approximately $750 or more are limited to Supporter and patron members ONLY.
8) "Auctioning" the item is not permitted / Accepted forms of payment.
Note: price must be listed, as "auctioning" the item is not permitted. Accepted forms of payment must be listed.
PayPal "gift" is now permitted but not encouraged.
Please pay accordingly to the seller in a timely manner. Accept and trust that the seller will, in good faith, pack and ship your wares carefully for it's travel to you. Always use tracking of some type so it can be traced.
Useful link https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...-other-members
9) Sales Approvals:
In the current format do not buy or sell a watch unless it has a "For Sale" flair. Also, a member of the sales team (Sales Mods, Super Mods and Admins included) has to comment that the sale is Approved before it is released for sale. If both of these conditions are not met do not buy or sell. There will be no assistance given if the sale does not complete or a chargeback ensues. If these conditions are not met and you both run the risk of being kicked out of the sales area.
Sales may only remain active for 60 days. If an item has not sold in that time frame the sale will be archived. The seller may post a new sale after this time with a new tagged pic.
Do not PM or Tag a member of staff to approve your sale. Requests via PM will be ignored as this has caused some recent issues.
10) Profiteering / Misrepresentation is not allowed:
Misrepresentation: As per Rule 5 describe a watch to your best ability. Do not leave any pertinent information out. If there is something you are uncertain about be clear on the sales thread. Transparency is the key here. If a buyer receives an item and it was not adequately described you as a seller will be held liable. "it was in the photo" sometimes is not good enough.
Profiteering: The ethos of RWI is to provide a reliable site to find information about Replica watches. The sales section is only a small part of what RWI is about. The purpose of the section is to provide a format for members to pass on items they no longer require. As a community, the principle of not making a profit at the expense of our brothers and sisters on here is a big part of our ethos. We do not pass on fees and shipping costs and we do not list items for more than we paid for them. There are exceptions for rare items and parts as current market values change so there is wriggle room to be fair to both buyer and seller. However, the rarity of an item is not determined by the general membership but by the staff. If you have a question regarding this just contact a member of staff and they will bring it up for discussion.
See this thread for further clarification https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...is-not-allowed
11) Under no circumstances should you entertain the idea of filing a PayPal dispute or credit card chargeback. This is the quickest way to find yourself banned from this forum and indeed you will become a pariah within the Rep community at large. This is a last resort after every avenue has been explored, including getting the staff involved.. Unless you have express permission from a member of Staff DO NOT DO IT. See also https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...tton-read-this
12) Sales disclaimers: Although heavily used around the forum please note sales disclaimers are not valid and not held in any regard by the staff at RWI. Rule 1. part E) takes precedence over any disclaimer. See section 3 here https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...arch-30th-2016 See also https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...s-on-m2m-sales
13) Genuine Parts claims: In the event that you believe a seller has listed a part as genuine and it is not, there is a procedure for dealing with this https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...e-parts-claims . Simply post your concerns or preferably tag and or PM a member of the sales team. If someone has already posted the same concern there is no need for you to reiterate it. Also, see the addendum at the bottom of this thread.
14) If replying to a wanted thread, do so via PM, not in the thread. Remember if there is no sales thread created from a WTB then you cannot receive any assistance from staff if anything goes wrong. This applies to trades also.
15) Thread Crapping: Thread crapping will not be tolerated https://forum.replica-watch.info/for...hread-crapping
16) Sales are only allowed in the sales section. No advertising or selling outside of the sales section.
17) Failure to comply with the above (at minimum) could result in having your thread removed. We will do our best to give you an opportunity to fix your sale with a timed deadline . Please remember that it is a privilege to sell here, not a right. We can nuke your sale if we, “The Staff”, are not comfortable with your transaction. Laziness or intent to defraud will not be tolerated. Our ultimate responsibility is to the safety of the members of RWI. Refusal to adhere to the sales rules subjects the member to consideration for placement in the No-sales group for a minimum of thirty days. Recurrent disregard for the sales rules subjects the member to consideration of permanent banning from the forum.
18) Effective immediately sales in the M2M area will be capped at US$3000 per item. Patrons however may sell items above $3k in the Collectors Watch Corner if they adhere to the specific CWC rules
19) Sales of Genuine boxes with matching serial number papers (often known as full sets) with Franken or Replica watches will no longer be allowed. Furthermore we will no longer allow sales of fully genuine watches where the movement has just been stripped out and replaced by a replica clone movement. This is to prevent Replica watches being sold on other platforms as genuine.
Upon selecting a buyer, the seller must state OHPF in the sale
Request that the sale is marked sold once payment has been made. Please note the salesbot is currently out of commission you will need to tag a member of the sales team to mark the item sold.
Also, if you have purchased an item and have sent payment, please also post this in the thread (as there have been rare cases of items having been fraudulently sold to multiple buyers.
Please note: All sales are to be made using the RWI Sales Form and it is not available on TapaTalk. All sales posted not using the Sales Form will be removed.
************************************************** *******************************
The purpose of the Member Replica Sales section is to give members an opportunity to buy and sell watches/accessories which are otherwise not getting wrist time/use. It is not for the resale of new watches/accessories or dealer-type sales, nor is it intended to be for members to sell for profit or use the forum solely as a personal online selling venue.
Strap Specific Rules:
To encourage the hobby of strap making RWI allows the sale of small quantities of straps. For non Supporting members, this is limited to one (1) strap per thread and three (3) straps per month. Supporting members may post more than one per thread and quantities sold will be what the sales team from time to time deems as reasonable. Non-trusted dealers may NOT sell or solicit the sale of custom straps, only sales of pre-made straps are permitted.
Addendum concerning genuine parts claims. (daytona4me) 16/04/2018
It is RWI’s position that the availability of genuine parts can cause the value of those parts to fluctuate because they are not always purchased at the standard cost as set by a genuine manufacturer or dealer. Because of this it is our expectation that sellers determine a “reasonable” value for the part they reference as genuine. While it is not required, we ask that you state the assigned value for the genuine part in your watch in your sales post to help reduce questions as to if it is reasonable. If it is suspected that the stated value of the genuine part is beyond reasonable, the post may be reported to the sales moderating team.
A disputed sale due to an unreasonable part value will be reviewed by sales moderators. For genuine parts the sales moderators may enlist the help of knowledgeable members who can help determine a market value. Their decision will be final.
Our expectation is this, if you dispute the stated value of a genuine part or the authenticity of a watch/part we encourage you to post briefly your concerns in the sales thread. Next, report your opinion to a sales moderator. We have a clear mechanism in place to 1) protect our members, 2) an open forum on which you can present your opinion, and 3) a proper decision to be made. We remind you that constant posts from many members expressing the same thing is unhelpful to the seller, a potential buyer or indeed even the staff trying to handle the dispute.
Please understand that the spirit of this addendum is to establish a clear mechanism to 1) protect our members, 2) allow you to present your opinion, and 3) allow a proper decision to be made, rather than allowing threads to develop into many pages of arguing and accusations.
Market price will be used to determine what is reasonable and what is not. We will not use “your guy” or what someone can get the same part for wholesale to determine what is reasonable.
It is always prudent to have done your research on a watch or parts or a watch with gen parts. The responsibility is on the seller to list the item/s correctly and the responsibility is on the buyer to have done their research before buying. RWI owners, admin, staff or their goats are not responsible for this work and cannot be expected to do the work on your behalf.
This same addendum will apply to scarcely available/rare parts as well.
Failure to comply with this “genuine parts stated value” addendum or the reporting of a disputed value may result in being banned from the sales section for a period of time.
SALES POSTS CANNOT BE EDITED OR MODIFIED BY THE SELLER. If updates or corrections need to be made, simply make an additional post to your sales thread, or contact a moderator or admin to make changes. This includes price changes, changes in the offer, imminently pending sales, and completed sales. Once payment for a sale has been received, please
Request that the sale is marked sold once payment has been made. Please note the salesbot is currently out of commission you will need to tag a member of the sales team to mark the item sold.
Also, if you have purchased an item and have sent payment, please also post this in the thread (as there have been rare cases of items having been fraudulently sold to multiple buyers.
RWI (replica-watch.info), its owners and administrators cannot be held responsible for the outcome of sales or other agreements whether between members or between member and dealer. We will try to help resolve disputes where we can but do not guarantee the successful conclusion of any transaction made by members of this forum and will not be held responsible for financial loss incurred under any circumstances whatsoever. By engaging in a transaction with another forum member you agree to these terms.
RWI, Owners, Staff, Officers or The Goat shall be held harmless and neutral to any sale within the sales sections. We disclaim all liability for any loss or damage (psychic, actual, special, direct, indirect and consequential) of every kind and nature, written and unwritten, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with the member to member sale section of Replica-Watch.info.We can only do so much to act as a mediator within your transaction(s). We are still monitoring for scammers and do collect information on these crooks to try and keep them out of RWI, but again, we can only do so much. Habitual offenders will be no-saled should the staff decide your selling is too much of a risk for other members.
Buyer and Seller beware, this is all on you.
All this being said, good luck with your sales!
The Staff at RWI
[REVISION MADE ON 14.04.18 by daytona4me]
[Last edit: Genuine Parts Addendum. on 14.04.18 by daytona4me]
(Latest Revision Made on 06.01.23 by trailboss99)
(Rule No. 9 amended 20/8/23 C Master)
(Rule No. 20 added 28/8/23 C Master)
(Rule No. 1 amended 1/9/23 C Master)
(Rule 17 and 19 amalgamated. Rule 19. is now the former Rule 20. 3/9/23 C Master)
(Rules 7 & 9 extended to 60 days 7/10/23 P..DR..D)
(Rule 1 paragraph F added 7/12/23 trailboss99)
(Rule 19. Changed and matching to with matching. daytona4me 06/17/2024)
(@occb2 removed in reference to Rolex parts, as we have sadly lost him, may he rest in peace. C Master 17/06/23)
Rule 18- Linked to CWC rules 8/9/24 P..DR..D
(This section was revised as we no longer have occb2 may he rest in peace. [A disputed sale due to an unreasonable part value will be reviewed by sales moderators. For sales involving Rolex parts it will be occb2 who will decide if the value of the part is beyond reasonable and his decision will be accepted by all. For non-Rolex parts the sales moderators may enlist the help of knowledgeable members who can help determine a market value.] C Master 13/9/24.)
(Rule No. 8 Shortened "Any and all forms of payment are now accepted between buyer and seller. This is due to a vast array of payment types being available worldwide as a convenience to you" removed. C Master 13/9/24)
Revision to Rule 7 (high-value sales) removing approval requirement. Trailboss 27/11/24
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