- 23/9/17
- 877
- 270
- 63
£365 shipped to U.K.
(2 remaining in China stock, ready for immediate dispatch before CNY)
VSF DJ 41mm : £365 shipped to U.K.
last one left in China stock before CNY
Ready for immediate ship from China stock. Only 1 left.
Some Factories closing early
Last safe shipping date before CNY holiday fast approaching.
£365 shipped to U.K.
£315 shipped. U.K. stock
Here you go:
£150 shipped
**sale price**
MK factory
Most popular factories are back to normal.
Noob still closed.
VSF are taking orders (subject to availability)....I have ordered a few test pieces to see what the quality will be like following the raids. Need to make sure they’re not using bottom of the barrel left over parts.