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Just got my "UPO" from MR, and I have a few questions.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Then you need to take the damn pictures if the engraved clasp off of your website. By keeping them up, you are lying to your customers. What part of that do you not understand?


Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member
Oi! Rude noobies get nowhere.
I think you pretty much guaranteed yourself a black-ban so you can join 747 in not worrying about whether or not to deal with MR again. In fact since the dealers keep a joint "troublemaker" list it may well be you have just done your dash with a lot of the dealers.

In the damn game a few months and everybody is an expert . . .



Trusted Dealer
Trusted Dealer
The pictures that I have on the website are of the same clasp as what I've sold to you.
It's the current available model, not the model that were produced two years ago. I have no idea where the lie comes from.

And never think that we're idiot to judge whether a buyer is lying or not.

MReplica welcome any suggestions and critics as long as they're reasonable, but I think that you're not the right one who has the right to teach us what we should and should not do as a dealer in this sepcial case.

And we want to claim that:
Meplica respect any of our buyers. But our politeness will not go to buyers who come with rudeness, aggressiveness, challenge, and unreasonable requirements that we cannot meet as a replica watch dealer.


Renowned Member
wow, so dude got qc pics and okay'd them and bitches and complains when he gets what he ordered?

talk about being an asshat


I'm Pretty Popular
As a "newbie", perhaps you don't understand..>>>

The degree of confidence that these sites endow in their "trusted dealers".....Not just anybody who sells reps gets to be one, and there are literally hundreds, if not thousands of vultures lurking out there to steal your $$'s.
over the years, I have seen a bunch of even "TD'S" go bad, and it ain't never pretty...The good news is:

The mods here have seen it too, and they are always getting better at protecting even rude newbies from ripoffs.
If you are fortunate enough to eventually re-earn the confidence of the mods, and start becoming an asset to the site, you'll probably understand this message better..


Active Member
talk about being an asshat
Then you need to take the damn pictures if the engraved clasp off of your website. By keeping them up, you are lying to your customers.
Please note that the picture on the website is about 5X the size of the actual thing and all reps are made by the watch factories, not MR. There may be slight difference between batches, that is what the QC photos are for.
When you approved the picture you agree to the acceptance of what you received.
If you don't like the watch when you received it, you should contact MR before you unwrap and use it. BTW always feel free to swap to a Gen clasp or buy a leather strap if you don't like you current one.

MR is known for their good sale and after sale services which is one of the best among the TD. Some dealers take weeks to answer your queries while MR always answer qns w/n hours.

I dealt with MR a few times and every time I had problem with my watch, they always provide free services to fix it. If you don't like their service, there is only one way out, go to an authorized dealer and buy a Gen.

P.S. Please respect others if you expect others to respect you.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
I really just don't understand how they can have pictures of an obviously engraved clasp on their website, and then send me one that is laser etched, and tell me that it is my problem. That is false advertising no matter how you look at it, but I guess since they are selling counterfeit merchandise, this kind of behavior should be expected.

Sorry but that is really not fair. I mean, you did buy counterfeit merchandise from them so what does that say about you and your integrity?


Active Member
Wow - what a thread.

I can only chime in with my opinion of MR, which has been absolutely top-notch. MR is so great to communicate with, really goes out of the way to assist and explain, and answered all of my questions. I had a great buying experience, I can't wait to buy another, and it will be from MR. My QR pics were fantastic and what I saw, I got. That's why I find this thread so odd, I find MR to be a great dealer.


Active Member
Wow - what a thread.

I can only chime in with my opinion of MR, which has been absolutely top-notch. MR is so great to communicate with, really goes out of the way to assist and explain, and answered all of my questions. I had a great buying experience, I can't wait to buy another, and it will be from MR. My QR pics were fantastic and what I saw, I got. That's why I find this thread so odd, I find MR to be a great dealer.

I second that. In fact, I just purchased yet another watch from MR and it's absolutely stunning with stellar customer service/QC!


Mythical Poster
this is a matter of expectations vs. reality.
the op here has had far too little experience in order to judge a trusted dealer. MR is without doubt an outstanding dealer with outstanding communication. very few dealers will go through the effort that MR does, and that's a fact!

the problem here is that the op seems to think he bought a genuine swiss luxury item at a swiss luxury price- well he didn't, and even among the most outstanding dealers, there can be unfortunate things such as waiting time, or a defect that isn't visible at first, now as Mr promised to take care of his responibility here, that is all anyone should expect. surely there should also be a fancy dinner all payed for and a helicopter ride over the grand canyon if there should arise a small problem, but that'll be the day you spent 150.000$ on a gen patek, and not a $300 UPO.


Put Some Respect On My Name
wtf.... way too high expectations in the rep game these days....

buy a gen if you are gonna make a scene over a clasp engraving.


+1....I cannot believe this thread, I just saw it. Noobs paying 200 USD are expecting a gen. Omega reps have never beeing 1:1. MR said, he will fix the crown problem, so what is the problem? AR? Clasp engraving? LoL. These watches come from the same fab, go out and pay 2 grand and then you can complain.

I know MR since the beginning of the dealership and all I can say, they stand in for any problems and will resolve them. A great dealer on RWI.
I even think, he is the best.

I have been very quiet in the last 3 weeks, these kind of posts are the reason for it.

this is a matter of expectations vs. reality.
the op here has had far too little experience in order to judge a trusted dealer. MR is without doubt an outstanding dealer with outstanding communication. very few dealers will go through the effort that MR does, and that's a fact!

the problem here is that the op seems to think he bought a genuine swiss luxury item at a swiss luxury price- well he didn't, and even among the most outstanding dealers, there can be unfortunate things such as waiting time, or a defect that isn't visible at first, now as Mr promised to take care of his responibility here, that is all anyone should expect. surely there should also be a fancy dinner all payed for and a helicopter ride over the grand canyon if there should arise a small problem, but that'll be the day you spent 150.000$ on a gen patek, and not a $300 UPO.


Active Member

I would also like to chip in my thoughts.

MR is by far the best TD on this site.

His communication & courtersy extends beyond any dealer on this site.

He is patient and understanding.

When I purchased my first REP from him he made a mistake and sent me the wrong version SKYLAND V1 instead of V2.

At the time I was a total NOOBIE and honestly would never have known the differance.

However he emailed me informing of the error and sent me a FOC Boxset.

Considering Iam in the UK with shipping would have probably cost him his profit from the original sale.

So let's get real here as people have posted already we aint buying GEN here it is Replica's FFS.