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I will never post questions here!


Staff member
Moderator Sales
I stumbled upon this forum when I was looking for a watch. Anyhow, there's a ton of good info here and I have made good use of it, thank you very much for this site. BUT as I spend hours reading here I find this place to be full of rude and condescending members just waiting to dehumanize anybody that risks asking a question. It's a shame really.

I belong to cooking forums, BBQ forums, photography forums etc and have never seen anything like how people are treated here. It's so sad that a member can't ask a simple question without getting slammed for it. So I'll just stay a quiet member and just roll my eyes when I see those condescending remarks. I guess a lot of people forget they too were once new and are a little lost here. I dont understand why the mods allow this behavior, but it's not my place. When in, say, a cooking forum and someone asks a (Silly to me) question I try to be nice and even give links to answer their questions. I can ask questions and Get very helpful answers from the more advanced then I, not READ THE FOURMS AND STOP WAISTING OUR TIME! type comments. Isn't that the point of a forum, to encourage and help people with the subject of the form? Not digitally yell at them for not knowing something? I can only speak for myself but everything I know, there was a time I didn't know and learned from others or trial and error.

Well thats my rant for the day. Good night.


Staff member
Moderator Sales
If new members would spend 4-6 weeks reading, they would be amazed at the help they would receive
Read Beauty And The Beast GIF


Miauwww... MIAUWWW!
Under my blankie
I stumbled upon this forum when I was looking for a watch. Anyhow, there's a ton of good info here and I have made good use of it, thank you very much for this site. BUT as I spend hours reading here I find this place to be full of rude and condescending members just waiting to dehumanize anybody that risks asking a question. It's a shame really.

I belong to cooking forums, BBQ forums, photography forums etc and have never seen anything like how people are treated here. It's so sad that a member can't ask a simple question without getting slammed for it. So I'll just stay a quiet member and just roll my eyes when I see those condescending remarks. I guess a lot of people forget they too were once new and are a little lost here. I dont understand why the mods allow this behavior, but it's not my place. When in, say, a cooking forum and someone asks a (Silly to me) question I try to be nice and even give links to answer their questions. I can ask questions and Get very helpful answers from the more advanced then I, not READ THE FOURMS AND STOP WAISTING OUR TIME! type comments. Isn't that the point of a forum, to encourage and help people with the subject of the form? Not digitally yell at them for not knowing something? I can only speak for myself but everything I know, there was a time I didn't know and learned from others or trial and error.

Well thats my rant for the day. Good night.

Cmon... this is the internet and English speaking people are known to be aholes behind the screen. Unless you're a child you should know this by now. .

Now fact is this forum is actually full of passionate people who really do help and they are nice, ironic for a rep forum.
Rolexforum , apforum, patek, facebook groups etc etc etc... the amount of aholes, not to mention LOW IQ aholes are just mindboggling.
These fuckers think they are hot shit for owning a $9000 rolex, ironically one of my pieces can buy their homes.

So aside from professional business forums, this place is actually pretty darn good. The moderators also do a good job keeping scammers and idiots away.

IE: a forum greeter and this other dimwit misunderstood what I said yesterday regarding daytona prices. I genuinely was confused about it since I only buy from AD. And they had a go at me, So I basically told them to F off, then I unwatched the thread while they keep ranting.
You can't take shit personally , let idiots dig their own hole while you do something worthwhile.

Again, this is a GOOD forum. If you can't handle the blokes here, I suggest you go to rolexforums or those other facebook groups and see how you'll be treated.


Staff member
Moderator Sales
IE: a forum greeter and this other dimwit misunderstood what I said yesterday regarding daytona prices. I genuinely was confused about it since I only buy from AD. And they had a go at me, So I basically told them to F off, then I unwatched the thread while they keep ranting.
You can't take shit personally , let idiots dig their own hole while you do something worthwhile.
Can’t seem to find the thread you are referring to, the only one I can find reads a little different to what you are describing above…..
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I'm Pretty Popular
Well, that's one way to make a first impression. You're certainly off to a good start... In the words of my newly found friend @serumwhiskey, grow some cojónes.

Just an FYI about forums, the interaction goes both ways. Many of us in the community have contributed a vast assortment of knowledge and literature that pertains to nearly all aspects of replica watches over many years. The staff have done a great job of organizing the info/discussions so it is easily obtainable.

Do you know how many new members come here on a daily basis that want information spoon-fed to them? Information that is readily available if you spent just a few minutes looking through topics related to your inevitable inquiry?

Interestingly enough, internet forums are communities that house members from all walks of life. Some members have thicker skin than others, some are more welcoming and noob friendly than others, some don't contribute at all. We all have good days and bad days. To assume this forum is overall negative as you assume, is plain wrong. On the flip side, the world isn't a sugar-coated utopia. If you can't take an occasional ribbing from internet strangers, then replica watch enthusiasts are the least of your worries.

@eBoy I don't think he's gonna be welcomed into our Old Boys Club 🤣

Thanks for the heads up. I’m certain RWI was fully dependent of your opinions and contributions. We will not shut down forever.

Nothing best than saying thank you for the forum but then saying fuck you for how we are.

Sometimes it really is best to stay quiet. I hope that you’ll keep your promise in doing so.


often nice, sometimes evil😜
Ich bin über dieses Forum gestolpert, als ich nach einer Uhr gesucht habe. Wie auch immer, es gibt eine Menge guter Informationen hier und ich habe sie gut genutzt, vielen Dank für diese Seite. ABER während ich Stunden damit verbringe, hier zu lesen, finde ich, dass dieser Ort voller unhöflicher und herablassender Mitglieder ist, die nur darauf warten, jeden zu entmenschlichen, der es riskiert, eine Frage zu stellen. Es ist wirklich eine Schande.

Ich gehöre zu Kochforen, BBQ-Foren, Fotografie-Foren usw. und habe noch nie gesehen, wie Menschen hier behandelt werden. Es ist so traurig, dass ein Mitglied keine einfache Frage stellen kann, ohne dafür zugeschlagen zu werden. Also bleibe ich einfach ein ruhiges Mitglied und verdrehe einfach die Augen, wenn ich diese herablassenden Bemerkungen sehe. Ich denke, viele Leute vergessen, dass auch sie einmal neu waren und hier ein wenig verloren sind. Ich verstehe nicht, warum die Mods dieses Verhalten zulassen, aber es ist nicht mein Platz. Wenn ich zum Beispiel in einem Kochforum bin und jemand eine (für mich dumme) Frage stellt, versuche ich, nett zu sein und gebe sogar Links, um ihre Fragen zu beantworten. Ich kann Fragen stellen und sehr hilfreiche Antworten von den fortgeschritteneren als ich bekommen, nicht LESEN SIE DIE FOURMS UND HÖREN SIE AUF, UNSERE ZEIT ZU VERSCHWENDEN! Geben Sie Kommentare ein. Ist das nicht der Sinn eines Forums, um Menschen mit dem Thema des Formulars zu ermutigen und ihnen zu helfen? Sie nicht digital anschreien, weil sie etwas nicht wissen? Ich kann nur für mich selbst sprechen, aber alles, was ich weiß, gab es eine Zeit, die ich nicht kannte und von anderen lernte oder Versuch und Irrtum.

Nun, das ist meine Schimpftirade für den Tag. Gute Nacht.



CEO, Vaselume (TM) Corporation
Staff member
Moderator Sales
So, @Beavercreek Dan , I really want to understand what is the root cause of your opinion. First, I want to say I take this criticism very seriously because I want new members to feel welcome, we do put efforts in this and also tried to pack them in some stickies. Maybe there's something I should change in my job here.
In my view, there are several aspects to this, some of which already addressed by some fellow members above.
You are focused on the answers but are not considering the questions nor the attitude of the members making their questions. MY favourite analogy:
Let's get back to your late teens or early twenties. There's a party, a big one with a lot of people you do not really know but you want to be there (you want to be here if you became a member, right?). The party's in a private home, but you know you can come even if you don't know the host. Now you enter the house, go to the first person you see and say "show me the booze". What reaction do you expect? I would give you directions to the next pub by way of the entrance/exit door (I'm the patient one, @eBoy would flip you the bird). What about if, instead, you looked around a bit and then started a conversation, maybe with the host himself, by ways of: "Hi, I'm Dan, thanks for having me here and getting to know you guys, you got a really nice place here". Bet a hundred bucks you'd have at least 3 people offering you a drink without even asking. Remember, this is a private party.
You ask me it's all about the attitude. I've seen members actually getting an answer to the question "Who makes the best sub?". How? They were charming, they were open, they were smart. They put some effort in formulating the question. They showed some genuine rep-engagement (did you see what I did there? :LOL:). They were welcomed as peers.
Now, as in your youth's party, you'll meet a lot of different people here. Among others, the occasional "bully", yes, we have some. But here a substantial difference comes into play: we're (mostly) grown-ups. You don't need a thick skin to "survive the RWI jungle". You just have to be a grown up and take responsibility of your conscious actions. Reasonability has never been mocked. If you're bullied, keep cool, stay reasonable and you may experience that it is actually the bully who's in minority. Be smart. And please, PLEASE, don't take yourself too seriously, it's still an internet forum, not a court of justice (EXCEPT IN THE M2M SECTION!!!!).
The common traits most members are allergic to are entitlement, self-righteousness, over-sensitiveness (we're grown ups, for heaven's sake, we're supposed to be able to deal with some written internet chatter).
There's a huge amount of extraordinary human beings here, intelligent, funny, knowledgeable, cultivated. There's enough people ready to welcome you if you don't act like a prick.
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Getting To Know The Place
I stumbled upon this forum when I was looking for a watch. Anyhow, there's a ton of good info here and I have made good use of it, thank you very much for this site. BUT as I spend hours reading here I find this place to be full of rude and condescending members just waiting to dehumanize anybody that risks asking a question. It's a shame really.

I belong to cooking forums, BBQ forums, photography forums etc and have never seen anything like how people are treated here. It's so sad that a member can't ask a simple question without getting slammed for it. So I'll just stay a quiet member and just roll my eyes when I see those condescending remarks. I guess a lot of people forget they too were once new and are a little lost here. I dont understand why the mods allow this behavior, but it's not my place. When in, say, a cooking forum and someone asks a (Silly to me) question I try to be nice and even give links to answer their questions. I can ask questions and Get very helpful answers from the more advanced then I, not READ THE FOURMS AND STOP WAISTING OUR TIME! type comments. Isn't that the point of a forum, to encourage and help people with the subject of the form? Not digitally yell at them for not knowing something? I can only speak for myself but everything I know, there was a time I didn't know and learned from others or trial and error.

Well thats my rant for the day. Good night.
I've asked some innocent questions and have gotten snarked by some "big tough" macho men who are fairly consistent with deprecating remarks regardless of the questions. Rather than letting them bother me, I avoid the snarkers because I seriously doubt they would use such language face to face. Moreover, the information on this forum is valuable and worth reading so I'll continue checking it out on a daily basis.


Raddave's favorite
What is a Snowflake alert?

A Snowflake alert is a schema-level object that specifies: A condition that triggers the alert (e.g. the presence of queries that take longer than a second to complete). The action to perform when the condition is met (e.g. send an email notification, capture some data in a table, etc.). In addition, it can refer to the sighting of one that gets their feelings hurt on the internet.

If this place bothers you OP, I would really, really suggest you not visit RWG.
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Staff member
Moderator Sales
I've asked some innocent questions and have gotten snarked by some "big tough" macho men who are fairly consistent with deprecating remarks regardless of the questions. Rather than letting them bother me, I avoid the snarkers because I seriously doubt they would use such language face to face. Moreover, the information on this forum is valuable and worth reading so I'll continue checking it out on a daily basis.
Thanks Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
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