Now tht i have gotten tht out of the way i see that some of you are conus i need an ap roo doea anyone have one for sale. I figured if i start a discussion peopke would folk to it and they did.
If I understand this correctly, your master plan was to start a semi-controversial thread so that people would "folk" (I assume you meant flock) to it in order to have a larger audience for your "want to buy" plea?
That's only if I understand it correctly, because you still insist on using self-created abbreviations which have to be deciphered by the rest if us.
And really? - you need to abbreviate a 4-letter word in order to shorten it by 1 letter? Really???
I would venture to guess that your 15 minutes of fame (or 3 pages of attention) are rapidly coming to an end and you will receive little response or acknowledgement in the future.
Reminds me of Stiff Muckler. The tedious posters soon just get ignored.
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