U must not of read post before yours I forgive your ignorance towards that but it really isn't that hard to get a google voice Number or anything of Tht sort Tht someone can contact u on if people are trying to build a company why not give Number out also first day on here I read a forum Tht said I should ask the Number. And I will do and continue to do so. I don't know anyone here from a can of paint and it's very easy to get scammed. A guy told me to pay for a watch ppgift. And we all know Thts a no no to this site n he been on for years so don't, try to down play me for asking questions. And a little secret I learned in college "that's what people do when they don't know" but as I said b4 IM still learning here and thx for the welcome.
Hi and welcome to RWI :cheers:
We have both native and non-native English speakers, those who speak English as a 2nd or 3rd language and those who don't speak English at all. In the interests of getting your point across to those in all of the above brackets, it'd be really good if you'd consider dropping the 'txt spk'.
It makes it harder for the oldies, those translating in their heads and those using translators.
If you happen to disagree with an opinion, great! it makes the world go around and we're all up for differences, name calling and petty squabbles are a no-no though and would likely lead to a ban in the end. Please do express opinions, I like to hear them on the understanding that in the same way you won't agree with everyone, they won't always agree with you too.
Have a look around, it's been eye opening in my very short time here.