Greetings citizens of RWI we are Anonymous.
We, like you hoped that the person known to you as Herbert Peter had indeed done the right thing. If he had we would have continued to monitor but left him alone. Unfortunately it has come to our attention that this is not the case, he has lied to us, to your Administrators and to you. This was a mistake.
Mr Peter (for the time being we shall call him that, it is the name you know) told the moderators here that he was using an unconnected house as a mail drop and that the address so provided was not in fact his but the that of an innocent member of the public. This has been proven to be untrue. Mr Peter then concocted a false identity and came here pretending to be the son of that homeowner making several claims in communication with moderators and administrators of this site. An example of his claims is to found below.
<Quote from an RWI PM>
I think you are <redacted>, you texted me in WhatsApp on Monday I think
I deleted the chat with you so I don’t have your number anymore. I remembered you talked about that forum and I searched through it.
I think I have found you and they guy who is using my parents address.
So unfortunately I got a package was was sended out in the Name of my Grandad, the receiver is
MOD EDIT , the package couldn’t be delivered at the receivers address. that’s so creepy right know And I don’t know what I should do.
In it is a Rolex Submariner in Black.
The Receiver is <redacted>.
Do you know him?
My parents didn’t know anything about anyone taking parcels so I think they are safe. Also only one neighbor said he saw someone creeping in the garden.
I think that is the guy who is doing that. I installed a camera on Wednesday. And yesterday the package came by.
Sorry for not reply to you soon I was so scared.
<A second one>
so you are a Mod? You’re running this place?
Can you give me Infos of him? I only know he uses my parents house as a drop ship and my mobile number and the name of my dead grandpa.
Do you have his Ip?
Maybe I can localize him or maybe I know him, as he has to come by to collect the parcels.
Also he send out a watch, a black Rolex Submariner to
MOD EDIT , wich is a dude here who wrote me, Nivlac10 I think it is.
Please do not provide my Informations here I really don’t want to do with some replica watches as they are counterfeit products and illegal to buy send, that’s why I don’t want it to send the watch further.
Andres wrote that there are genuine parts on that watch, if so I can maybe take these parts and send them to <redacted>, the replica parts are going to police.
Andres wrote me via mobile phone on Monday I think, I was scared as hell.
Please help me.
<End quotes>
We must apologise to the administrators here for quoting a PM we were not a part of but we feel it is necessary to show the members as well as the administrators what Mr Peter has done. Now, on the face of it what is said above is plausible since Mr Peter is obviously slightly paranoid so it was taken at face value by both us and RWI. However it has come to our attention that this “Daniel “and” Mr Peter share common IPs and remarkably similar email addresses. A little digging around the internet shows that Mr Peter has an email of
[email protected] and “Daniel” has one
[email protected]. Some digging in the log files of his ISP reveals that not only do they share a provider but they share several IP addresses as well. Is all that coincidence? We think you and the administrators here will agree that it is not. Mr Peter in fact continued to lie and attempt to hide his identity with this deception.
We will further investigate Mr Peter, we will confirm beyond doubt his actual name, address, age, employer and all other relevant data. When we do we will publish it as a warning to others who may be tempted to transgress. Had Mr peter simply made good and quietly faded away that would have been the end of the matter but Mr Peter attempted to make fools of not just you (the members of this fine forum) but its staff and Anonymous. That was a very big mistake and he would be wise to expect us.
We are Anonymous
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us