I am trying to figure this out..
some dealers have found that if they bend the words a bit, they maybe have or hope to have more sales..
that is judged as dishonest..
there are dealers who make statements about personal inspection that are given absolute belief, their 'story' is
plastered all over the forum... and used as an example... so when i received..... from a certain dealer.....a watch
.....that was personally inspected........I cannot help but wonder at the condition of the watch I received.......and can only
conclude........that the inspection in question must have been performed by a blind monkey......
so, the issue is "TRUTH" - and that 'truth' is demanded by people who go to great lengths to find a counterfeit
watch, even many counterfeit watches, that they pass off as real.. the goal is to fool, to lie to, and to deceive people..
any other reason makes zero of sense...
so here we have the liars calling the liars liars...
and we cannot find out what is actually what? There are no people on this forum who know what is what as regards claims
by any given dealer? Is it more important to call dealers liars than to put some energy into knowing what it is we are doing?
A strange thing also.. if one asks a dealer "Does this watch has a synthetic crystal or a mineral crystal?" - well, it would be rather
unusual not to get the truth.. when in doubt, ask..
Either that, or buy all of your watches not from Wo-Mart... but from Wal-Mart, and then make the brand ''honest' Citizen..
then you can show people the truth,
not a lie that you wear on your wrist.
It only gets better!
Life is Good!
Liar Klink