Welcome Scrote.
I would caution to note that the TD's are not sales people I would advise for you to do the research on your own. They're more like order takers like the soup guy from Seinfeld. Some offer helpful tips and insight but they aren't experts on all models and most don't have the time to go back and forth like that. There are some that will go that extra mile but you would have to read on here to know which ones. Pros and cons you should probably know before ordering again by reading on here.
With that said, here's an enjoyable post to read about one member's journey after he came back to the rep world after a long absence and how he saw just how much the reps changed and got better. https://forum.replica-watch.info/threads/connecting-the-past-to-the-present-my-collection-so-far….10963904/#post-11576758. Stick around and welcome to the fascinating world of high end reps.
Ok. I’m gonna stay. The humor is flowing now and that’s the good times.Ahhhh @Scrote , now I understand why you wrote that way in the other thread
You seem nice, hold on and don't leave us!
So, I’m thinking I can just ask the trusted dealers for what I want and see what they have to offer in response. I would ask for the pros and cons and accurate highlights along with honest inaccuracies.
Clown it down a bit
Finally. Simone got it.
Agreed, who in their right mind does thatYou don't need to sign off on each post with your name. Clown it down a bit
You don't need to sign off on each post with your name. Clown it down a bit
Thank you!!I got it now. Well, sort of.
The question is whether a shitter off of Dhgate or AliX for 100 bucks is really inferior to a high-end rep for 500 from a TD?
That's easily answered, but will require a lengthy in-depth essay as response...
You ready? OK. Here we go:
PS: After 20 years in the rep game, you should know that though...
I hope you're not trolling in the FFZ? That'd be quite the infraction, because the FFZ is 100% sacred and is to be kept entirely buffoonery-free.
No, we won't drag ourselves down to the level of a coward, we just imagine a drag queen walking down the street in a gay parade.Just a general question not about anyone in particular. Would posting in the flame free zone while acting like the biggest douche possible be enough of a reason to ignore the flame free idea? Again, totally hypothetical.
(the acronyms and vernacular have me lost so far)
Yeah I’m sure he’s great.Forum Terms & Abbreviations
So you’re new here. You wander around the forum and you see things like IMO that SOSF has me RMFAOL and you wonder what the hell are these guys talking about? Well here is a list of those terms to help you out. I’m sure I’ve missed a few but this will be a work in progress. 1:1: A false...forum.replica-watch.info
As others ("big shots", "mean people") have suggested to you on this thread and the other half dozen i've seen your name the past couple days... just buckle down and read a few days. or a week or three. you'll come out the other side a new more-useful, happy and generally likeable person - the same person I'm sure you already are in RL.