Hello I am looking to buy a quality replica rolex hulk. How do I order from one of your trusted sellers. Thank you. Joe ferguson.
How do I order from one of your trusted sellers.
Where do I post a want to buy or look for one for sale. Thank you. This forum is a little hard to navigate. JoeSometimes you can find other members selling their watches. Lots of good watches and without the waiting times typically experienced. Hulks are popular so you can probably find a nice one within a couple of weeks from another member. Oftentimes they’ve only been worn a few times and some are still new. Watch the classifieds or put out a want to buy notice. Save yourself some time and money.
Where do I post a want to buy or look for one for sale. Thank you. This forum is a little hard to navigate. Joe
Here is the link for WTB. Being new, I don't know if you need to ask for permission to the mods. Buy the seller, meaning buy only from someone with many posrs on 5he forum, supporter or patron. Also click on the avatar of the seller, then click on "find" and search for his history as a sellet. Of course, NEVER buy from someone who as the "don't trade with me" sticker. I have purchased an Hulk inM2M and as Zeta7 told you, you can find a really good rep without worrying for customs and at a less expensive price. Welcome between us!Where do I post a want to buy or look for one for sale. Thank you. This forum is a little hard to navigate. Joe
For a good submariner hulk I can suggest you this one even if I’m not a big fan of submariner (I prefer GMT and Daytona )Hello. Thank you for responding. I have 5 real rolexes. Started buying them 30 years ago. Unfortunately with the way things have gotten it's getting dangerous to wear them in public. Looking for a replica of clone so if something would happen I can just give it up. I have a stainless sub. One of my real ones. Have had it for 20 years. Bought it knew. Liked the look of the hulk when it came out. But the prices just went crazy on these watches. I know they are coming back dwn. But it's hard to believe my rolex president I bought in late 80s with the barkedbracelet is freaky worth 50k like they say. I paid 7700$ for it. Anyway sorry to go on. Just looking for a decent replica of the hulk from someone I can trust. Not really comfortable buying on Instagram. Thank you. Joe.
Yes you are rightYes, Clean Factory stuff are pretty good but sometimes there is a waiting time to that.
Good recommendation.