Had to rush over to Home Depot tonight. Here's what happened. My darn kitchen sink clogged. In my wisdom, and following my , ehh, trusty plumbers advice, I dumped a couple of cups of powdered detergent into my 'slow' draining sink to wash out and remove any grease lurking there. He said just one cup, with hot water afterwards. Well, if one cup is good, then maybe 2 or three should be better. And I dumped half the box of the powdered detergent into it for good measure. Turned on the hot water and eagerly awaited the 'magic' of clearing out all the nasty cholesterol in those pipes. After about 15 seconds, bam, it backs up real good. All bubbly and all. I wait. And wait. And wait some more. Nothing, its still a pool of very soapy water. Hmmmmm. So I get my trusty plunger. A nice one. The best I could find. Big black bulb and tip-shaped to seal the drain opening. First pump 'jab' . And so on, and pump, and pump. Nada. Zilch . No draining. And I wait. Nothing. Pump, pump, pump. Rest..........Again, like a madman. Jab jab, jab ! ...Nothing. I cant call my plumber on Sunday. He does not work on Sundays. No matter what. Mondays will be the busiest day for him, I know. He will arrive late in the PM. Oh no. I'm fuxxd. real good. So off I go to the hardware store armed with the model number of a Ridgid Powered Snake.[I checked for the best reviews online] Should do the trick. It's got a 25 foot snake with a nasty looking eagle claw tip. Staring at it now. What an evil looking tool. I would reckon this would work well on a captured terrorist. Up his ass. I might just do this filthy job early in the morning. Wifey is preparing dinner now. I don't want any scum coming out of that drain trap entrance hole spoiling the night. ........... So lesson learned here, more is not necessarily better. .......... Will report back on how it turned up. [ wifey not talking much tonight ] ........