Hardly trolling its just part of the territory there's a risk. There's always a risk when ordering through customs. I choose to buy domestic and sometimes I still gamble. That's awesome you'll have had better luck ordering overseas. I'm not casting shade on TDs they pretty much all come from overseas so at some point it has to go through customs. I prefer to buy a watch and pay more that I can get Domestic from someone who has already received it from overseas. It's just the nature of the industry you'll have great success rate awesome I was commenting on a post on a seizure and found the watch for sale in Canada so could've avoided that. Some places in the world have harder times getting through customs. I'm not saying don't buy a product that you have to buy from overseas. I'm just stating the obvious risk and solutions. We have a difference in opinion. Will this thread started I already bough and received a watch in the U.S.A. to prove this point. You'll come at people like this when they are new doesn't speak highly of this forum. I am neutral polarize this response also have fun. All for Love.