Guys, calm down please, lets show a little empathy towards fellow members.
It's now been confirmed that there is a new and previously undocumented virus wreaking havoc among the self taught replica watchmaker community.
It's unclear where the case zero originated but what is clear is the speed at which it can spread.
Until more is discovered about this virus, it is, for the time being called SOVED-24 - Sudden Onset Varying Excuses Disorder.
Symptoms include random and varying excuses as to why projects can't be completed and/or refunds issued for projects that are sometimes years behind schedule, often accompanied by a refusal to return peoples property.
There can be claims of personal illness given as the reason for the delays, but this can also manifest itself as an illness that works it's way through close family members in a illogical manner.
Those tested positive to the virus have been known to 'Ghost' customers, ignoring all forms of communications, including but not limited to emails, PM's, Whatsapp messages, Instagram DM's etc. Those tested positive have also been known to provide non-functioning tracking numbers to their customers.
Right now, there is no known cure, no vaccine that can fight this devastating virus.
We need to stay strong, united, until a cure is found or a new vaccine can be developed.
I know that in some countries, customers still waiting for news of their build project will, at 20:00 every evening, go to the balcony, or stand in their window of their home, and wave their empty watch storage boxes in the air, as a sign of solidarity with those affected by SOVED - 24.