If these are the real photos of the Rep , it is really something .
I know that it is really difficult finding thhese DiW in the Wild, but how close the caron woiuld be comparing to the Gen ?
I mean: if i compare a TAG Aquaracer Carbon to the Gen conterpart, the Carbon is identical. I mean, is like Stainless Steel, it fells identical to the Gen.
Which obviously is not the case of the Gold, a Rep 5 mils Gold platedand a Gen Solid Gold watch are ...well, different to the eye
! (and the weight is different too ).
I ask this because, at near 1.000 $ this Rep seems actually NOT expensive if the Carbon quality is similar (if not identical) to the Gen DiW 5711.
We alreay know that the 324 Caliber is pretty spot on, so i ask you about the Carbon Case Quality !