It's 3D dynamic fiber laser@Oascom what model of laser did you end up
Going with? I’ve been thinking about one for some fine jewelry work.
Also I would love to see a honeycomb dial with a silver overlay, now that would be hot stuff.
The laser is an amazing thing, I’m so jealous of your access to tools!!!
Also, when you finally make it huge and we all talk about that modder who we knew and loved who’s now a show stopper acrosss the globe, how do we pronounce the name at the bottom of the dial? Like “Blaken” is easy, and “Dee Eye Double You” is easy.
Are you “Oh Ay Scom, or Oh Ace Com, or Oh-ah-Scome? “
Seriously, how do YOU say your screen name and modder name on that dial?
Custom Aventurine GMT dial i just finished:
Beautiful bro - you got white ink!
Thank youYou are my effing hero. Truly, and exactly, what I want to be when I grow up.
I’m so jealous of the tools alone. Keep it comin my man