I see the Tudor BB Red 2016 Shield Edition has taking the spot from the infamous Tudor BB Red Rose Edition.
The Tudor BB Red Rose Edition has been on the NWBIG list as far back as I can remember and by many considered to be a decent super rep.
I claimed a while back, that if a new version of a current "super rep" from the NWBIG list comes out and tops the older version in regards to being closer to gen, that this new version should be on the list instead and take the spot from the previous version on the list. I assume this is why the Tudor BB Red Rose Edition (ZF V4 & V5) are not on the list anymore? But to all fairness, should the Tudor BB Red Rose Edition ZF V4 & V5 at least not be at the FIRST CLASS list? There is still a lot of people who prefer the Rose Edition who might come in here to see if it's on the list.