fforfooty You didn't ask which rep factory made the best DJ41. You said "who has the best". R-Factory undoubtedly have the best. As for trolling? Well you have to understand this thread was built to avoid this sort of discussion. In fact asking who makes the best x is frowned upon in this community.
There is a noob friendly area where you can ask questions, and look for information. Further, I would suggest you go to the Rolex subforum and scan through the pages... there are many pages on ARF/DJF/Noob/ amongst others. Here is where all the information is. Most people including myself are very helpful, but not when you ask "who makes the best x".
Furthermore, no-one can tell you who makes the "best" because every single rep out there comes with flaws. Some flaws are acceptable to others and unacceptable to some. Some flaws can be fixed by adding gen-parts. So you see, the question of who makes the "best" comes down to many factors. Go read, that is why this is a forum and not a chat-box or reddit.