Duckber - While I admit that the other member got a bit harsh on you, he/she/it has full rights to do so. So far on this thread, you (and a few others) have had ZERO (I repeat ZERO) positive contributions other than repeating the same issues/faults over and over again. Why don't you just make a more productive use of your time and leave this thread. Let members who own this watch enjoy their money spend. Is the CF perfect - Not by any means. Heck its a $500 rep and for that it is a hell of a piece. Have a great day and stay safe!!
I genuinely consider bringing the new insert to light a positive contribution. I thought it looked good and is something people should look for in qc for people buying from here on out. Would you not consider this a positive contribution to the thread? I'm sure many people would like to know that there is a new better insert to look for once checking qc.
did you buy this CF? Did I miss your review? if so, I apologize.
photos, photos, photos, photos, photos, photos, photos. taking photos and sharing photos is not a positive contribution. photos can be processed in colors. buy the watch and review your wrist. do not review news or photos from reddit. sorry friend but it seems absurd to read reviews from those who have never had a watch on their wrist.
did you buy this CF? Did I miss your review? if so, I apologize.
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Any owners or experts wanna review qc/insert colors (early August purchase/qc date) on post #2064?? My pics got buried in more bickering...
The photos I have posted have not been posted on a silly willy nilly idea that they just look different thus the insert is different. The first post about the insert was shared by a Chinese local who broke the news on reddit about the Pepsi weeks before the Pepsi dropped and had his own hands on review to share, so a reputable user. He said the insert changed. It was worth sharing. The second set is from a user who handled his latest batch and said it was different from his friend's first batch insert. Also worth sharing.
These are not just educated guesses based on Instagram filters clouding judgement.
As for me buying one, yes, the new insert looks quite good and once the old stock of inserts is used up I will order one which will probably take a month or so.
you still keep talking about the photos you shared. well, thanks, yes the new batch has a nice insert, thanks for sharing. but avoid denigrating a product if you have never seen it live. spend and enjoy.
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It could be very well be the placebo effect or just speculation. Who knows?
Some Factories have released silent updates in the past so it wouldn't shock me if CLEAN is doing the same.
VSF did a silent update with their datejust dials.
CLEAN is a little shady with their operations. They could have released a lot of bad ones in their "initial offering" and saved the good ones later on. Like with their Batman Release...
All I can say is that I'm fairly satisfied with my Pepsi!
CF Pepsi from "Jtime/Earlier Batch"
It could very well be lighting so I'll need to take more photos when I can. I'll leave you guys to be the judge
You are quite welcome. And again I don't need to own a product to know when it's not for me especially when other people corroborate my claims. But I do think with this new insert that it is a worthy purchase considering the lip mod exists.
Guys, look at the dial printing at 6 o'clock of the watch on the left. It is not 126710 BLRO
We don't offer QC commentary, and this is the BLRO 'Pepsi'. You posting a Batman in the wrong thread is why you didn't receive any feedback.
Furthermore, on RWI QC pictures are only reviewed when you have a specific concern. Ie, "Does my date wheel look too bold to you guys?" or "Does the dial look like it's installed crooked?"
Guys, look at the dial printing at 6 o'clock of the watch on the left. It is not 126710 BLRO
I can clearly see the left watch is gen! You need glasses or a better monitor! Lip is there, bracelet end links, crown guards, rehaut finish! All say gen.
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I’ll be honest I was looking at the other pics at the beginning of the thread which do show a gen but like you say the hand and dial are wrong. Live and learn!
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