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Case No. 118238 Shieldsy V Beau

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Active Member
Well folks - you may have seen the craziness on here regarding the PP dispute with me and Beau due to a faulty watch I sold her.

Beau finally agreed to send the watch back (well Col did talk nice to her and called her darls a lot). It arrived this morning and it is not broken - it works perfectly well. All I needed to do was st the day and time and it is as good as when I sent it. The rattling that Beau heard was the rotar moving. I have issued a full refund to Beau as I promised so that is the end of the dispute.

I would like to apologise to Beau and to the mods on the forum for my behaviour over the past few weeks. I think if I Beau had given me a chance and not opened the PP dispute followed by a barrage of abuse, then I could have talked her over how to set a rep DD properly. The watch looked great on Beau and I feel partly responsible for her not getting to enjoy it.

I would however like to get a few things across. Although Col did persuade Beau to send the watch back - I feel that Beau is getting preferential treatment by him and possibly some other mods here. Remember that when Beau contacted me to inform me the watch was faulty - she threatened me with mods from RG - she did it publicly on the thread too. Beau continues to goad me with her insults and even wrote DB after my name on the package (douchebag) a name which she has called me several times on the public thread and in private. I have also been called fuckbag among other things by her. She even wrote rattle rattle on the paper she package it with? MENTAL!!!! I want it to be absolutely known that I always offered her a refund on the return of the watch and she wanted the refund first before returning any watch. I am truly disgusted by the way this member handled herself and I am happy that other on the forum have seen what she is like.

Mods - Before you make the judgement as to whether to close this thread or not - just please remember that should you close it - you will be admitting that freedom of speech is not welcome here. I understand you are sick of me and Beau - but this could have been any member here who was unfortunate enough to deal with her.

Thanks for listening



Banned member, the goat does not approve
I am 100% with you on this one Shieldsy. To be honest I think it is she that should be blamed for all this. I don't think you overreacted when you posted the first thread. You didn't even mention her name, she was the one to say it was her. In fact, I sure as hell am never going to sell anything to her after all that. I personally think you handled this properly. She was the one who started with the threats (which was f*cking stupid. I mean, come on, where the f*ck do you think you are?). I'm glad you're done with this sh*t mate. I for one am adding BEAU, beau1, baeu1 or whatever her f*cking name is, to my foes list


Mythical Poster
Sidi Power Plant
There's a thin line between freedom of speech and creating false claims about preferential treatment which also borderlines a childish threat. The staff never takes sides based on preference, why would we? We treat all members equally.

Stay Classy.


Mythical Poster
Shieldsy, thanks for letting us know the outcome of this case. I'm glad that you got your watch back in good condition, and applaud you for holding up your end of the bargain by issuing the refund. I also give you credit for not sinking the level of name calling.

This thread may remain open if, and only if, it remains respectful and somehow productive. Any deviation from that will result in an immediate closing of the thread as this has really been debated to death.

And use caution in any accusations against the staff showing preferential treatment here. We work hard to be fair to everyone, no matter what our personal feelings may be.


Active Member
The staff here do their utmost to resolve disputes between members and between members and TD's. In this case Col did exactly that. You got the watch back, she got her refund, case closed. Should I ever have a dispute (and based on my dealings with other members so far I'd say that's unlikely) I don't care if Col has to call the other party sweetheart if that's what it takes for him to get my watch/money back.

Call it preferential treatment if you want but all I saw was the forum staff diplomatically finding a solution acceptable to both parties.

We are lucky to have the additional protection/support from the forum staff to resolve disputes, let's not throw it back in their faces.

Likewise how we conduct ourselves publically in the event of a dispute will determine whether other members will deal with us in future. The staff don't need to decide who is or isn't the bad guy, the rest of us could see in the original threads what went down and make our own minds up.


Mythical Poster
so let me get this straight

she bought a watch, said she loved it - and now sent it back in perfectly working order

doesnt BUY mean anything???

I would never deal with Beau. Ever.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
so let me get this straight

she bought a watch, said she loved it - and now sent it back in perfectly working order

doesnt BUY mean anything???

I would never deal with Beau. Ever.


Something smells here and it ain't trk's breath!!!


Active Member
Ok - maybe I am wrong to suggest preferential treatment but see it from my view. I sell a watch - buyer said it's faulty - opens a PP dispute and threatens me with mods by name including Col. She forwards messages to me where she is called darls by mods- I'm thinking she is influential and I'm an outsider. I take back my claim of preferential treatement and Col did resolve it - thank to him for that....but I won't apologise for claiming that Beau uses he image as an attractive woman to get what she wants - she already has some mods on RG drooling over her - pathetic really. As for her being a good gal - if you seen some of the stuff she was pulling on me, then you would change your mind.

so let me get this straight

she bought a watch, said she loved it - and now sent it back in perfectly working order

doesnt BUY mean anything???

I would never deal with Beau. Ever.

To be fair to Beau - I think she thought it was actually broken as the day was between days and the rotar was going round when she shook it - what is confusing is that she said in her post that she got it fixed with a members advice. She also asked me to take some links off as she knows nothing about watches and how to do things like that but she sent the watch back with the extra links on? Oh and she also enquired about ordering a gol ballon bleu not long after ordering my watch....

Beau, did you drop the paypal dispute?

When I issued the refund it automatically closes


Renowned Member
I am colombo !

" I think she thought it was actually broken as the day was between days and the rotar was going round when she shook it -"

I was thinking this was the issue of dispute ! yeah :D

BTW good that it is already resolved :) great that Beau drop the dispute.


Active Member
I am colombo !

" I think she thought it was actually broken as the day was between days and the rotar was going round when she shook it -"

I was thinking this was the issue of dispute ! yeah :D

BTW good that it is already resolved :) great that Beau drop the dispute.


Renowned Member
Shieldsy just was wondering the original problem, why the dispute and the story behind this, and looks like we though the same. Great that it is already resolved. :)

(was trying to understand what problem could be with the watch, when she said everything was ok then, I was thinking that the main issue would be the flipping name of the day of the week).


Active Member
Shieldsy just was wondering the original problem, why the dispute and the story behind this, and looks like we though the same. Great that it is already resolved. :)

(was trying to understand what problem could be with the watch, when she said everything was ok then, I was thinking that the main issue would be the flipping name of the day of the week).

Thanks Kenny


Mythical Poster
Never should have happened, but it did.
I don't see preferential treatment - the outcome was as it should have been. Nothing was swayed in her favor.
I'm just glad it's over with.

Move along, people. Nothing to see here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Active Member
Hey Beau is an honest to goodness gal, you should have treated her with more respect.

he was respectful to her until she went crazy on him. Her first post on the original thread basically lies about her status at Repgeek and threatens Shieldsy with sfa. It goes down hill from there.

So basically the facts are this:

Shieldsy has sold a watch that clearly shows the day centered correctly in his sales thread.
Beau receives the watch and posts how much she loves it, but has problems getting the day centered. RWI community respond on how to set it and she says its fine now, working saying "..it worked..got it all set now". The, I guess she can't get it set again after that... PMs are sent back and forth, Shieldsy offers the correct solution of refunding the seller upon receipt of the watch in a non tampered condition (tamper means to intentionally damage). Beau takes this wrong and goes nuclear by initiating paypal dispute, threatening chargeback etc. Threads are started and shieldsy is civil until beau enters the threads attacking. It gets messy thereafter.
Finally, beau sends the watch back, shieldsy refunds.... and the watch is working just fine.

also, beau claims many times how great her relationship is with RWI and RG mods and how they "got her back". So it is very easy to see how shieldsy would think (and I agree) that she is getting preferential treatment.


Departed Friend
Shieldsy, I'm sympathetic to your cause, I really am. I'm also pleased that it was resolved in your favour. However, the accusation of 'preferential treatment' is not only a very low blow against someone who worked hard to resolve your issue, but is also pretty damned far from the mark.

You might try a little more class - not to mention gratitude for the help - next time. It's not like board staff get paid for sorting out your problems...


Active Member
Greg - I have already apologised but I do ask that people look at why I was starting to think that - Houndoggie said it well and he is unbiased around this. I don't have any evidence other than some comments and what Beau claims in her messages. I would also say that remember this is a forum where we don't know each other personally and you were not privy to the PMs so with respect - you are not in a position to say my thoughts are actually wrong. I realise they didn't go down well and because it is unfair to judge anyone on a few comments, a gut feeling and claims form another member I apologised and do so again.

Col - Thanks for resolving the diupute. I apologise for my remarks and hope you understand the context in which they were made. You are obviously a respected member of htis community and that hasn't changed.




Departed Friend
Greg - I have already apologised but I do ask that people look at why I was starting to think that - Houndoggie said it well and he is unbiased around this.

.. as am I. I was not involved in this affair in any way. I just feel - strongly - that your accusation against the way this was handled was a crummy thing to do - whatever your take on what was going on.

Anyhow. I won't comment further. I've got nothing against you - the point has been made and I don't want to flog it to death. Let's move on...
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