that's just funny.
If you think it will be a cake walk to go there, load up a suit case and fly back with it, your kidding yourself. And if you think you'll load up a box, go to the local EMS location and just ship it back to yourself, you're mistaken as well.
Couldn't agree with D4 more. It ain't that easy!
Some here would be aware that I have just recently returned from GZ.
I wasn't buying watches (tools in fact) but I did pick up a few watches to bring home.
However I had a developed strategy to do so, which I won't divulge here, except to say that it was a little like taking coal to Newcastle!
I did meet with some dealers, and spoke to others on the phone.
There are few to nil of the quality reps we expect here, available for general sale in the markets themselves, unless you are known to the vendor, and invited to one of the viewing rooms, or prepared to wait, sometimes overnight, whilst a "runner" collects some samples.
Any better reps will be at best concealed in the market, but more likely be elsewhere.
You would be far better off to negotiate a price with a dealer from here, and collect your watch in GZ,in your hotel, as I did, than try to buy one as a retail customer at a stall.
If however you can swing an invite to a viewing room, your price then will depend entirely on your negotiation skills, and whether your seller had a good night the night before!
(and a good number of these viewing rooms are not necessarily run by dealers listed here)
But the price may well be slightly lower than some watches offered here. After all, the seller there has little risk of seizure (only paying the "overheads"), or warranty replacements, once its paid for and in your hand, you're on your own.
We all need to realise that this is not a formalised business, it has just developed over time, and has many, many faces. It also evolves and changes. There are many different styles and types of dealers, there are various forms of "factory" from large factories making gen and rep watches side by side, to small one off vendors, commissioning one watch, in limited numbers, at one time. And a lot more between these two!
Some factories even have viewing rooms set up (not on site), as "retail" outlets, some other viewing rooms sell the wares of a number of factories. In fact some of the "factories" , especially the larger ones, aren't even based in GZ proper.
Anyone who read my trip report, will realise that I was fortunate enough to get close to the "industry" I had some contacts from industry people on my return, telling me that my report was as close to the mark as anything they had read. I also had some contacts from within the industry telling/asking me to shut my mouth!
Hence this comment, is just that...general comment, I won't be any more specific here!
I am returning next year to GZ to expand on my contacts, and view some more new product which is coming on line. I will also be travelling to some other areas, (one in the north) to meet and view.
Anyone who needs to know a specific, only has to ask, whether I can, or will, answer, is another point entirely.Whether my information is good or not is a matter of conjecture!