Getting To Know The Place
- 14/7/19
- 17
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Can someone send me the link to a TD that's sourcing this watch?
After messaging several and either not getting replies or very slow replies: Hont sourced mine very quickly. I bought it but its not arrived yet. I talked to them using their whatsapp number.
Get their phone number by going to their website linked at the top of their page then using the phone number on whatever URL their website now is.
(I wont post their website in case it changes and because some scammers give fake numbers/urls.)
To get an idea of timelines check my post about ordering this watch which I will keep updating:
I will post pics on this thread and that thread when (hopefully) the watch arrives.
Hope this helps and Im not shilling an AD too much. They were like 10x faster at responding than the other TDs I contacted for this particular 7mm Octo.