I went for silver... reason being is the blue looks like black/dark in offlight and in actual light it looks blue... and the blue looks great in pictures. But in real life it looks a bit washed out. I had a Gen DJ41 in Blue and a Bluesy 13LB... and the blue on the Bluesy really did make the DateJust blue look quite poor. But it's only noticeable in real life... In pictures the blue looks the best by a mile.
Silver is just understated elegance, and I don't know about you but I wear my DJ41 for more dressy occasions particularly as its paired with a jubilee where as my everyday sports watches are all oysters.
The other thing to note is... most Rolex are dark colours so this to me makes this watch stand out more in my collection, as the rest are all very dark dials.
That said the ARF silver does have a slight yellow hue to it. Imo it's worth buying the original dial (thats what I did)
Here's one on ebay.