So.. I've received the ARF datejust 2 weeks ago. Since a couple of days the watch suddenly loses more than 5 minutes a day and when I don't wear it overnight it stops after 30 mins. Does this need a service? Can't wind it either. When I wind it it resists and stops after 2 winds. Desperate in need of help.
Contact your TD, this should be covered by them.
2 weeks is a very short time. it sounds like something that should have been discovered earlier, in QC. Even if it happened suddenly and couldn't be expected, an issue like that, in such a short time should be handled and solved by any fair TD
This is what I would do anyway, instead of running spending more money and time with modders/local smiths...
is there realy a big difference ARF - GEN xtal ?
This might be a silly question but I’m trying to understanding if I should upgrade to a gen eta movement.
I know it has better “reliability”, but the existing clone movement keeps time just fine. What are the advantages? Is the crown feedback better? I like that the clone has Rolex stamps on it so I’m not sure if I want to install a generic eta movement unless it adds some improvements that I can notice.
I did a quick investigation and looking at the rear of the RZF, the lugs are too short (they should extend past the first link when looking from the back of the case). So unfortunately despite the rounded lugs, the ARF is still the best.
So I think at this stage the last mods I would consider are a crown and bezel
Well there are modders here who would reshape the lugs. Is this something you think could be achieved by sanding/machine polishing down the lugs?
No, as I stated the lugs are too short. There is nothing you can do.