- 15/7/19
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My crown doensn't screw in back anymore... someone got an idea why?
Stripped threads perhaps?
Guys is Rhodium basically grey? As in this watch?
As this title states is the ARF still classed as the best DJ currently?
Oh dear. I see why I've stayed away from this forum for so long. Same stupid reply from keen members keen to shoot people down. It doesn't make you big or clever James just makes you sound like a dick.
Yes I've read all about how the bold date wheel has been slightly improved on V2 but this is a very old thread stating a certain watch is the best. I've asked a very genuine question imo.
Now run along and to the next thread and try to beat the other minions to shoot someone down first....
Ok I think you are being a little unfair to him.
The thread is old, but it constantly has new posts in it, why wouldn't it be relevant? Besides, you shouldn't be just reading this thread alone, as there are other manufacturers of DJs that you can research into. For example RZF is one that has popped up in a few threads not too long ago.
And Sonofalich wasn't even being very rude in his post, honestly. I just think most of us are losing patience with the sudden influx of new members not reading the rules and not doing their research before posting. Your post triggering that reaction isn't very surprising..
Oh I strongly disagree. Hes already been called out in the thread as being unnecessary rude. Also, I'm far from a new member thanks unlike yourself with 2 months service. I'm just a member who dared to ask a question.
You're asking a question that is asked 100101212 times a day. I offered you advice and that's what most people do to new members, some are much ruder and don't even entertain the question.
Just because you've been here a few years, does not make you entitled to ask the same question. That would be hypocritical at best. The question you posed is frowned upon in the forum for good reason. What is best one day, might not be the best the next. It's better to teach a man to fish than to give him the fish.
Long story short, stop being lazy. Do your research and you'll find myself and a lot of other people are more receptive. Asking pertinent and specific questions is legitimate. Asking who makes the best "x" I would suggest is not.
Your just repeating yourself. You rude and get a buzz from being a dick probably hoping the big boys will find you funny.
Loving mine. My date font doesn't seem as bold as others, but the alignment is a little low for some dates. Not sure if I'll leave it as is or get a gen crystal and realign the datewheel
The blue of this dial is much better than the blue of the ARF 36mm DJ