+1. Its frustrating and disappointing when the maker releases info that a popular model is going to be repped, then following the mounting anticipation over the period following the release, creates an anticlimatic finish by releasing a rep full of egregious errors and odious details. If they wanted to release a close to gen replica, the least they could do is to get the major details correct, and as many finer details correct as possible. The definition of "accurate" varies from one collector to the next, but our expectations of a maker do tend to increase in correspondence to prior successful releases. The Doha rep watch is a nice watch on its own, but if you are expecting a "close to gen" watch, then it is a failure given the glaring flaws. I still like the look of the rep Doha, but I am treating it as a fantasy watch that might look good on the wrist, and not a replica watch that is close to the gen.