I bought my wife a $110 LV from Anita's store - you can spot it's a fake pretty easily. It feels fake and it looks fake, and it lasted 2 weeks until it broke. OC has the same bag but at $350.
I'm not sure if it's worth buying, but it's made me hesitant. I've purchased a Bally bag from Anita, I posted earlier in this thread, it's gen quality, I've been using it Mon-Fri since September with no issues, and it was only $175.
How do I know if the $350 bag will be high quality if the $110 bag is garbage? If they can make Bally bag as gen for $175, why not LV?
Anyway, my point that's relevant is - if it's a high quality replica, nobody's gonna bat an eyelid - but if it's a shitty fake, even if it costs $100+ people will be able to tell it's fake and it really won't last.