I sure am, but many of these aliexpress packages required a signature on delivery and the postman(woman) would come to my door. It was tracking for a while but has since completely stopped. I wouldn't get accurate tracking, but I would be able to check on any given morning and know if a package was "Out for Delivery". This helped me with day planning. Now there's none of that, and packages just show up with no way to get any warning.
It started to become an issue so I signed up for Canada Post Flex Delivery. I get a specialized, custom address to my local post office, and as packages come in, I get e-mails letting me know. During my commute, I can pop into the post office on my own time and get my packages rather than have to ensure somebody or myself is home on delivery days. This was a welcome service, however the post office started misplacing packages, a handful of which I never got e-mails for or even phone calls for. This actually has become a pretty big issue.
I've since moved far from my first Flex Delivery post office, and I've made 4 disputes on AliExpress for packages never received. I got full refunds, and moved on thinking that the sellers tried to rip me off. Then I get a call from my old post office saying "We have 3 packages here that have never been picked up"!! I'm frustrated that they never e-mailed me about them while I lived there or gave them to me on the countless times I've popped in for other packages. Now I feel bad for the AliExpress sellers that WERE honest and sent me the goods only to lose money on the refunds. I'm gonna have to reverse the dispute if possible and repay them. Won't know which of the 4 disputes packages they are until Friday, but none the less, a pretty crappy situation.
If any Canadians are using this and are thinking of using Flex Delivery, don't rely on their notification system. Just pop into your post office periodically and ask if there's anything for you.