Should have relumed the hands as well. They look ghost white in comparison to the dial.
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Whatever tough guy
Should have relumed the hands as well. They look ghost white in comparison to the dial.
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Whatever tough guy
Lol. That was funny...but yeh, sorry man, wasn’t trying to offend, just couldn’t understand why you didn’t opt to lume the hands.
Hand applied lume application on the hour markers is always going to be very risky and hard to get the precise sharp Swiss factory look (as hinted by others above) so wondered if there was a technical reason you chose to lume the dial and not the hands?
Should have relumed the hands as well. They look ghost white in comparison to the dial.
Whatever tough guy
Lol, easy fellas.
OK to answer mech500 the reason I did not opt to relume the hands was simply because I think that it looked consistent in person, vs the gen and matched the dial well enough. I do not own a gen 5167 (though I now have 3x 5711s) but I have seen enough of them to say that the lume of the dials and hands do not match 100% in all cases. It was of my opinion that the lume combination is consistent with how a gen CAN look, and given the fact that the watch will likely be seen as a used gen as opposed to a brand new one purchased yesterday, I opted for it to look the way it does, and the lume matches well enough in person.
Both you and rockdaly are good guys, there is no need to fight over this at all. If rockdaly is to PM me to say that he wants the hands lume done, I will tell him to send it back and do it FOC. It is an issue (and not a problem) easily addressed sir. On this forum, lets be kind to one another wherever we can. Maybe I can try ordering my watches from KSwatches one day. :legend:
Just pulled the trigger on one of these. I've approved my QC but thought I'd share as mine seems to have the mis matching lume on hands and dial. I've seen 5167 gens and as legend said in person the dial lume doesn't appear as yellow/green as this under natural light. I'm interested to see what this will look like when on my wrist but I've a feeling I'll want the same mod as rockdaly
BTW the squares and rectangles containing the lume beside the numerals on mine are more of white instead of green. I am confused. Is it due to light conditions of they updated something on 5167? The lume on mine does not look like this bright green even in sunlight.
2 explanations: 1. Your TD adjusted the color/light in the QC pics. 2. there is a silent update. I appreciate it if you could post a picture of the movement.
If you want to take a look. Please send me your email address so that I can send to you a picture of mine beside your QC.
same please. can someone pm the info about the rubber strap? thanks.
Where can I buy it? Please send me the link in mp
I’m in France, thank you