I accepted the QC on Jan.31, but isn't amp=230deg kinda low where acceptable levels should be around 270~300 ?
My only hope is that watch wasn't fully winded and amp was reading low because of this. Beat Error: is 0.5 which is GOOD, and RATE: only -4 sec/day, but movement may need service asap if amp is this low for real.
Guys, don't waist your time with that stupid timegrapher pics!!!
Most TD's don't know how to handle such a machine. The lift angle is at 99% of these pics wrong! Correct angle for a 7750 is 49 and not 52 degrees
52 is the standard setting at a timegrapher and they just use that setting for all movements. So the results are wrong. Not much, but wrong.
Sent from my iPad Air 2
It's you. When you get one of these in hand, I promise you'll be thrilled with it. I've had mine on for nearly a week now. Can't take it off! ;-)
perhaps i should have been more specific, it looks like the the top of the inside cut of the CG is not 90 deg? ...or is it just the pic angle?
Looks like just an angle distortion , 087 bezel is so thick, that cg sits 5mm below crystal surface. When looked from an angle, cg can look distorted from the lens. You can always ask for another shot to confirm but looks good to me, and these pictures are probably mag x 10, impossible to see with naked eye and 20/20 vision.perhaps i should have been more specific, it looks like the the top of the inside cut of the CG is not 90 deg? ...or is it just the pic angle?
I got on as I stopped waiting for the 64, it's nice. Heavy like a 243 and the strap is a joke but still nicer than most!