I was told by my TD 2824 is not available, only 2836 so I ended up ordering the SA3135.
Approved the QC already, just hope the Chinese New Year won't delay the shipping too much!
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Here is a pic of my already accepted SA3135:
Looks perfect, which TD ?
Because it has correct stem height, in sets the time like the gen 3135 and the case used for the sa3135 builds has better crown guard shapeAny perticular reason you choose SA3135
I read its posts its not reliable ?
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It's debatable whether or not the eta clones are more reliable than the sa3135. The sa3135 seems to have a pretty good track record lately, in the past they suffered from weak stems. The issue with sa3135 is that there are no spare parts available if you should need them fir repair. In contrast the eta clones can take readily available gen eta parts.That interesting a few dealers have told me the 2836 & 2824 seem to have a history of being more reliable ?
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Tbh nobody will know which way your time sets and most people won't notice the difference in the shape of the case. If your sa3135 has a problems you need a replacement movenent from tdSo you would choose A2824
even though the SA3135 has correct stem height
Sets time like Gen &
Better crown guard
are these not that important factors the watch itself ?
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