Staff edit: Photo removed as per request of OP.
2 weeks ago I wrote the Ad, asking for a Sd43, they didn't have one, and they accepted to put me on a waiting list. Last week I got a call, they got one, which was an order from one of their client, but the guy changed his mind. I told them I want it, but in not able to pick up only Monday. 9 hours later, after 600 km drive back and forward, I am in my living room, with the Arf v4 and the real SD 43 in front of me.
On the outside, so far the only difference I noticed with the naked eye are:
The helium escape valve colour is a little darker on the original.
The lume looks a little more bright as colour on the Arf, same with the hands.
I will try to get a DSLR to make some macros pics later this week.
So far, I have the ARF for 3 months, very happy with it, even more happier now when I compare it with the original.