IT'S PAMSDAY, FOLKS!! Time to break out the Pam-of-the-Week, which is this Pam fantasy model w/ sandwich dial I picked up from a member (unknown) some time ago. At first thinking they were ugly, I've since grown to love Pams for their simple elegance and utility --and for the fact that these 'ole eyes can easily tell the time correctly! (old pics). dave:
Just added 4 new straps from Panatime to my collection and decided to put this one on with the PAM382; decided to give it a clean up and "re-grow" the patena, but I think it's looking pretty good in this shot. Have a great day and weekend ahead to all.
20min ago this one didn't run - found a pusher c-clip under the balance wheel. Boy, those things are pesky! I need to find a better way of replacing them, it sprang away from me half a dozen times before I got it seated...