OnMay 3rd, 2015 I ride in the los Angeles "Pediatric Brain TumorFoundation" Ride For Kids. Please help me raise money to fight thisterrible disease. I don't need to tell you how fortunate you are to have allthe great things in your life but take a minute to think about thefamilies that wake up every morning knowing that their child only has days ormonths or if lucky a few years to live. Please help me raise money to fightthis disease and help these families give another happy day to their child.Please give from the Heart here. http://pbtf.convio.net/site/TR/2015RideforKids/General?px=1127661&pg=personal&fr_id=1980#.VR1iNWQtE5u Justclick on the red "Donate" button on the left of your screen withinthe above link ThankYou
PAMSDAY sees the appearance of one of my (growing) fav. Pams -- the four-liner. No, I don't know the model number, as I've always had a problem with their model numbering system. Feels great on the wrist, big dial aids my telling of the time, and it's one of the few reps that accurately follows the gen (to a large degree). dave: