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Why bring attention to the quality of rep Omegas on a gen forum?


I'm Pretty Popular
IMO it is simple, we should keep REP information on REP forums. No need for the extra attention.


Known Member
I don't think there is anything nefarious going on here. The way I read it this guy who is obviously an Omegaphile saw this watch and was taken back by how Gen-like it was. His post was a "heads-up" to the other members.
What I found interesting is the fact that some of the members thought it looked virtually perfect, and others pointed out miniscule "tells" and even then there was not concensus.

The Gen community is in my experience really out of touch (maybe denial) of the rep status. I have a good friend who has well over $100K USD invested in Gens; Pateks, JLCs, Pams, AP, Francks, Hublot, etc. etc. one amazing collection. When we go to Vegas one of our pre-dinner pastimes is to check out the watch stores, something he does all the time.

Recently he was over to smoke some cigars and BS. I was wearing my WBK GMTIIc, he asked to look at it. He looked and made his usual snide comment about Texas Timex. I told him it was a rep. He was amazed. We then talked about the rep thing for awhile, brought out some of my others. He was amazed even more! He had no idea that reps have progressed to where they are now. His typical experience was with the typical Canal Street Quartz DJs. He was not aware that they even made reps of Pams - even my fairly cheap unmodded 111H just flabbergasted him. He kept asking me - now what did you pay for that??? Yeah sure, he pointed out all the little things that were "not quite right" but even so.

So I could easily see a guy like him (if he was on any gen forums) posting that he was over one of his buddy's house and he showed him some reps that blew him away...

Thankfully, he does not frequent any of the forums - so he's not about to blow the whistle. And yes, I DO agree that what goes on here, stays here.



Legendary Member
Did he have his 111H or was he one of the only Gen owners that actually remembers what his Gen looks like?


Known Member
Did he have his 111H or was one of the only rep owners that actually remembers what his Gen looks like?

No, if I recall correctly he was wearing a GEN HBB that day. He's strictly a Gen guy and yes, he remembers the details. He is a true watch collector, he can tell you not only differences between models, but differences over time of the same models. He was in fact the first guy I knew that owned a Panerai, in the mid nineties. He has three now.


I'm Pretty Popular
Good post Sofacleez!

The Gen community is in my experience really out of touch (maybe denial) of the rep status.

It's funny you mention that but that's my experience aswell, the people I've come across that are really outspoken and really heavily reviled by reps actually have the least clue about how 'good' some can be, It's almost a 'head in the sand' approach they take!