Would love to buy this one. No idea where to get it.
Try our TD's. Mine just arrived today from Li at JTime

Would love to buy this one. No idea where to get it.
Non rep night
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Both are gens.
Here in China we don’t discriminate wearing a 500k watch and sitting by the roadside having our common bbq. Come china and you can see our lines of supercars by the roadside having a simple drink n catching up with buddies.
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hahaha boy am I glad there are now restrictions on capital outflows from China. That China money is so terrifying. I toured a house in my area a few months ago. The seller from China was willing to take a $2M loss because it was a gift from an Uncle to use as a "summer house".
And then regarding another house I wanted a while back, a China buyer made an offer all cash and got the house. A week later, it was being rented out for a total 2% gross annual return of the purchase price. The seller is probably losing money after you consider insurance and property taxes. Too much money I guess and nowhere to dump it? :woo:
P.S. hope you don't mind if I PM you in the future about the ABD modded RMs -- how much to pay and how to source. I'll try to do as much research as possible before bothering you![]()
@DC you seem to have a few RM reps. Which one is your favorite and would you recommend to buy without hesitation?
Non rep night
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_DC_ I picked up a v2 001 , posted a couple pages back. After that one would you recommend the RM35-01 or the RM011 , it’s so confusing as far reading on both. What say you O wise one ?![]()
I would like to know DC's recommendation too im torn between the rm001 and a rm011