Andrew from Trustytime. Usually he can get noob factory pieces at better pricesGo figure out why
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Andrew from Trustytime. Usually he can get noob factory pieces at better pricesGo figure out why
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Andrew@trusty isn't a trusted dealer on Rwi, shite hits the fan don't expect mods or admin to help out. He doesn't buy direct from noob factory and doesn't have a good relationship with them, hell not long ago he was claiming that noob factory was shutting down:hehehe:
LOL that's really far from the truth haha. Yeah I wouldn't buy from any cartel dealers. Thinking of going with tony or toro! Both have done me good in the past. Asking them right now if they have the vintage ingy. The new ingy just doesn't have the same effect for me.
How's it far from the truth?
Oh no I meant the part about them shutting down was far from the truth not any of the stuff you said, sorry for the wrongful phrasing!
Got that one incoming - can't wait! :thumbsup: