Picked this up from the M2M section from a nice member, Rolexxx. He gave me a great deal on this gem-dialed beauty. I was very anxious to get it, so I paid him an extra $89 for super EMS (his friend gets him a discount).
What do you think?
Picked this up from the M2M section from a nice member, Rolexxx. He gave me a great deal on this gen-dialed beauty. I was very anxious to get it, so I paid him an extra $89 for super EMS (his friend gets him a discount).
What do you think?
Picked this up from the M2M section from a nice member, Rolexxx. He gave me a great deal on this gen-dialed beauty. I was very anxious to get it, so I paid him an extra $89 for super EMS (his friend gets him a discount).
What do you think?
Thats the limited edition Pamex GMT 1945. Only 1 was produced and you got it cheap man. Congratulations on the gem.
Strap swap.
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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is so good. That vanilla dial is amazing