That's nice! Looking at this wrist reminds me of "flavor flaaaaav"
That's nice! Looking at this wrist reminds me of "flavor flaaaaav"unk:
Thats a good looking strap, I may have to order one today!!!
Lol I know..I have a small wrist haha but the watch pops on my wrist. Thanks I love pams
Finally finished this one! Butter soft.
Full v4 with gen crown [emoji16]
That's nice! Looking at this wrist reminds me of "flavor flaaaaav"unk:
If that was your watch, you'd be like, "yeeeeeeah buoooooy," too.
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Gracias amigo
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You're welcome.
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Love it! I need one too, what TD?
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I bougth it M2M. It is HF's with Noob's CG and OEM rubber strap.
I love it.
Which Fact is yours?
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It's H factory from Toro
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So, if you buy one Noob's CG and OEM strap, you'll have one very similar.
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Did yours come with it or did you source it?
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