Sent from my Rolex thinking brain!
R Rudy40 Banned member, the goat does not approve Banned 6/10/12 9,373 0 0 27/10/14 #1,621 Sent from my Rolex thinking brain!
F freddiedaman Getting To Know The Place 4/12/11 67 0 0 28/10/14 #1,623 noob explorer II just arrived!!!!
N nellodelsol Banned member, the goat does not approve Banned 4/10/14 89 0 0 29/10/14 #1,626 Subjeff said: Click to expand... Don't know what it is about that watch. The blue dial looks great. The red dial looks like shat in a box. Maybe it's me. Anyway, nice piece. Sent via Vulcan mind meld.
Subjeff said: Click to expand... Don't know what it is about that watch. The blue dial looks great. The red dial looks like shat in a box. Maybe it's me. Anyway, nice piece. Sent via Vulcan mind meld.
S Subjeff Mythical Poster 26/12/12 7,104 57 48 29/10/14 #1,629 nellodelsol said: Don't know what it is about that watch. The blue dial looks great. The red dial looks like shat in a box. Maybe it's me. Anyway, nice piece. Sent via Vulcan mind meld. Click to expand... LMAO. Thanks!
nellodelsol said: Don't know what it is about that watch. The blue dial looks great. The red dial looks like shat in a box. Maybe it's me. Anyway, nice piece. Sent via Vulcan mind meld. Click to expand... LMAO. Thanks!
N nellodelsol Banned member, the goat does not approve Banned 4/10/14 89 0 0 29/10/14 #1,630 Blue Milgauss Sent via Vulcan mind meld.
T3RM1N4T0R The Terminator Mod Advisor 25/8/13 15,414 4,258 113 29/10/14 #1,631 sent from my noob Samsung V5
Donvitocorleone Active Member 29/9/10 486 40 28 30/10/14 #1,632 Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk
Donvitocorleone Active Member 29/9/10 486 40 28 30/10/14 #1,635 next days in trade.. Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk
C chris_batman Do not accept unsolicited offers 27/10/14 1 0 0 31/10/14 #1,640 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk